The Rural Rebellion Will Decide This Election


by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:

There is a modern battlefield in which the objectives are molding, controlling, and capturing the thoughts, emotions, and beliefs of the common man. This is being deployed by the US “Deep State” and “Uniparty” political organizations, allied military, intelligence communities, public health organizations, US Homeland Security and State Departments, social media/internet service companies, non-governmental organizations, and aspiring global governance organizations (UN, WEF) – often in close coordination with “mainstream” corporate media- on all Western nation populations in an amazingly harmonized fashion. The UK, United States, and their close allies are leading the West to deploy this new warfare technique on their very own citizenry.


Your mind is the battlefield, and controlling and managing your access to information, thoughts, and emotions is the strategic objective.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

Fifth-generation warfare is non-kinetic. It is non-physical warfare in the information age. It can be combined with kinetic warfare, or it can be a stand-alone option. NATO calls the combination of fifth-generation PsyWar and kinetic war “hybrid warfare;” this has become central to NATO battle strategy.

The goal of fifth-generation warfare is the deliberate manipulation of a recipient’s world-view to achieve a desired outcome.

Psychological operations (PSYOPs) work to convey selected information and propaganda to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning. It is used to manipulate the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, governments, and large foreign powers – such as the United Nations.

Psychological warfare (PsyWar) is the use of psyops against an enemy. In our book “PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order”, we theorize that the US government has defined some aspects of society as the enemies of the state and has launched multiple PsyWar campaigns against it’s own people to influence political, economic, and public health measures to achieve results believed to be beneficial to the administrative State. The US, British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, and European Union governments now routinely use military, financial, and/or political measures (including “nudge” units) to influence and control thought and behavior of their own citizens. Of course, the most advanced deployment of PsyWar capabilities has been perfected by the ruling CCP of China, and as was the case with the totalitarian COVIDcrisis policies, the Chinese model is viewed as a model for the West.

PsyWar and fifth-generation war are deployed on a battleground of information and perception. Many argue that the only winning move is not to play. The basic idea is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or armed gorilla insurgencies but in the minds of ordinary citizens. The mind is the new battleground.

The development and implementation of a New World Order is being led by the United Nations, World Economic Forum, the US Deep State, the administrative state and their allies. All of these organizations are deeply afraid of a second Trump presidency. They have quietly worked for decades to apply utilitarian logic (ends justify means) as a techno-totalitarian one-world governance structure based on the EU model for the world. This coalition views the “threat” of a second term for Trump as risking a great undoing of their decades of systematic, incremental, covert work to build and implement this New World Order.

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