Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The New World Order crowd licking its chops as November approaches


by George McClellan, America Outloud:

Apart from maintaining a dangerously slim majority in the House of Representatives and not holding the Senate, conservatives keen to place Donald Trump back in the White House must contend with the fact that at least fourteen anti-Trump Senate Republicans are waiting, if Trump wins, to subvert his policies, plans, and objectives to the whims of the New World Order crowd. These people want America debilitated to the level of another third-world cesspool nation, bankrupt, destitute, and compliant to the governance of “experts,” the better to rule over us.


For Trump Republicans, that’s a problem to be addressed once Trump is back in the driver’s seat. If Trump loses, Trump MAGA supporters will soon become the targets of the far left-wing radicals. Those Republican politicians seeking to retain the grace and favor of the victors will eagerly join with them to smother us, thus dragging America into a long period of bitter internal conflicts while the Chinese, if they’re still around, and the Islamic caliphates who will be, stand by ready to poke around in the wreckage.

With the technological advantage of big government, any pockets of resistance will quickly be neutralized. If Hamas and Hezbollah can’t escape Israel’s technology, just think how vulnerable we’ll be hiding in the woods with armalites! The use of cell phones, even encrypted, would be useless as algorithms in government hands would quickly identify the miscreants involved and reveal their locations, ensuring their apprehensions. Gatherings would be infiltrated by agent provocateurs, as was done on 06 January 2021 at the Capitol rally, and the jails quickly filled with MAGA supporters.

We already suspect Leftist chicanery by the infiltration of multiple court systems with judicial fellow travelers of the radical left. We have watched in amazement the undisciplined efforts of at least four federal law enforcement agencies, the FBI, ATF, DHS, and now the USSS, demonstrate field incompetence or outright purposeful neglect or refusal to pursue the villains trying to assassinate President Trump. Whoever their masters are, they are desperate and will try again and again to kill this man.

The pressure is building on both parties. The 2024 election is less than thirty-five days away, and there’s growing frustration among Americans who know that nothing the Biden-Harris administration can do will assuage the rising costs of everything, the low wages growing even lower due to the tax of inflation, and the deepening social damage being done by radical DEI schemes.

These issues create social and economic challenges demanding immediate redress. Harris has yet to explain her economic plan because she doesn’t have one except to repeat the old same crap: “Trump left them with this immigration disaster” and “Corporate America must pay their “fair share.”

What the hell is “fair share?” We’ve heard that from Democrats for years, and it still hasn’t been explained. It’s a scare tactic to convince taxpayers to hate the job producers and become victims themselves. How will our radical government respond to pushback? 06 January has already shown us how government will react to such acts of defiance. Trump was right! They are coming for us, and he stands in their way.

Presently, the suffering of the middle class is evident and getting noisy as the disastrous effects of Biden/Harris’s radical socialist economic schemes are so useless as to raise genuine concerns they won’t ever be fixed. Biden’s inept foreign diplomacy skills are apparent, but Harris doesn’t have any skills at all. The lack of both creates anger that should ensure their demise and Trump’s victory unless they cheat, which they will try to do.

Democrats, by their brazen, oft-repeated lies, are convinced that they can achieve the collective surrender of enough Independent voters to keep the White House. Democrats have spent years taking advantage of the imperfections in local voting procedures, even schemes allowing illegal noncitizens to vote. The record of Biden’s administration is a disaster, and Senate voting records reveal that a few Republican Senators have assisted in maintaining the status quo regarding Biden’s immigration and energy policies. Biden has no job creation policies except to claim Trump’s returning jobs as his while his unemployment numbers actually grow. Healthcare costs are rising, housing affordability has risen out of reach, and retirement and Social Security are in danger of disappearing into near-empty Federal coffers. Those and so many other issues scream for redress.

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