The Media Are The Scum Of The Earth


by Timothy Meads, Townhall:

However much you hate the progressive corporate media, double it. Then double it again. After that, triple it and you’re getting close to where you should start hating these people. There isn’t a good person among the lot of them, there really isn’t, as they happily dance on the graves of dead loved ones and lie with impunity about Donald Trump under the banner of “truth-tellers.”


Hypocrisy is the wrong word, as it is not strong enough. It’s not that the left has double standards – one for them, another for everyone else. They have standards for everyone else and absolutely none for them. They don’t have to change the standards they hold themselves to because they hold themselves to nothing. It is “agenda über alles,” written in its original German on purpose.

The Atlantic is a prime example of how the left-wing echo chamber operates. They “report” a piece about a upcoming book, working hard to make sure their fellow travelers make some cash, and declare Donald Trump has a history of praising Adolf Hitler and his generals. Weird how this tidbit of information about the most investigate human being on the planet escaped reporting for 4 years, but now someone finally decided to tell it!

That person is John Kelly, a retired partisan General who was fired at Trump’s Chief of Staff and has been scrambling to worm his way back into the good graces of the establishment left ever since.

Kelly started by spreading lies about Trump declaring soldiers who died in the D-Day invasion “suckers” and “losers.” He’s the only person claiming this, likely the source who “leaked” it to The Atlantic in 2020. Literally everyone else in the room denied it happened, but The Atlantic is the plaything of Lauren Powell Jobs, unaccomplished widow of Steve Jobs, who uses her inherited wealth to advance the left-wing agenda that gives this otherwise vacationing “philanthropist” meaning in life.

She publicly admitted she owns the rag for the express purpose of serving her political whims, to create narratives for extremists leftists to use. Anyone with self-respect working there would quit, that none have tells you pretty much everything.

Worried that Democrats might lose, Kelly returned to The Atlantic with another story – something he seemingly just remembered, though the Democrat Party Press insists he’s told the story privately to them in the past. We all know how shy Kelly is about being publicly critical of Trump over the last 4 years, and we know how the media would never, ever report something critical of the former President they’d only heard in private, as that would be a lot like reporting something from an anonymous source with an axe to grind.

Oh yeah, that’s exactly what this is.

The choices are actually pretty simple: A) John Kelly is lying because he’s a Democrat working to elect Democrats, or B) John Kelly, only 2 weeks before an election, was so overwhelmed with feelings that he decided to publicly tell a story he’d been blabbing all over town for years that – even in a town where second-hand rumors about Trump are treated as gospel truth and lead the nightly news – has been held as closely as the identity of Deep Throat was by those very same rumormongers.

Which seems more likely?

A causal mention about Doug Emhoff, husband of Kamala Harris, being credibly accused of smacking an ex-girlfriend across the face because he was upset she was talking to another man shut down the network, but a story with less proof about something, again, everyone else in the room denies ON THE RECORD, leads the day.

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