The Iranian Mullah’s Mysterious Longevity May Reflect Secret US Support


by Norman Krieg, American Thinker:

One of the things that our intel agencies do to push lies into the public is to use the magic word “earmarks.” For example, the infamous 51 spies who lied about Hunter’s laptop—even though the FBI and the CIA knew it was real—used the weasel phrase that the laptop had “the classic earmarks” of a Russian operation. That was a lie. But here’s an “earmark” sentence that may be true: Iran has all the earmarks of a USA-intel client state. Much like Ukraine. Or, more accurately, like North Korea vis-à-vis China.


Most historians trace the US’s influence over Iran to the 1953 Mosaddegh coup, when, reportedly, the fledgling CIA overthrew the democratically elected nationalist (and possibly communist-adjacent) prime minister and installed the Shah as the actual ruler. In this recounting, America stepped into the void left when the British Empire retreated to control oil supplies and stabilize the Middle East.

This influence over Iran would last a couple of mostly quiet, if morally dubious, decades before the Ayatollah returned from his French exile and crafted a coup of his own, culminating in a regime of murderous mullahs that bedevils the West still today, everything from sponsoring most modern Muslim terrorism to the October 1, 2024, ballistic barrage attack on Israel.

Image: Khamenei and his military leaders (edited). YouTube screen grab.

However, upon closer inspection, America’s relationship with the Mullahs has all the earmarks of patron-client rather than enemy-enemy.

In 1973, following the Watergate investigations’ revelations, the disgraced and deposed CIA Director, Richard Helms, was downgraded from that position of supreme importance to the seemingly minor posting of Ambassador of Iran. In his memoir, which recounts snippets of this oft- ceremonial position, Helms adds a striking tidbit: While he was ambassador, Helms was incensed to discover that the Shiite Shah had been making peace feelers to his Sunni neighbor/enemy, Iraq. Peace?! The nerve!

Shortly thereafter, Khomeini would leave the hospitable French for a triumphant return. A little bit of perfidious killing of his secular allies, winks/nods to a student takeover of the American embassy, and all-out war with Iraq (finally! phew!), and the mullahs were comfortably in charge. Soon, they began developing a Shiite Crescent to overlay much of the region, beginning with sponsoring Hezbollah in Lebanon, eventually including Iraqis, Houthis, and Hamas.

Yet even after Hezbollah succeeded in barrack-bombing hundreds of US and French troops in Beirut in 1983, America didn’t reprise its Mosaddegh coup. While it levied economic sanctions and publicly inveighed against Iran, behind the scenes, it countenanced the fundamentalist regime.

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