The Desperation of Kamala Harris


by Allen West, Townhall:

Last week, we shared our thoughts in a piece called “The Fall of Barack Hussein Obama” and addressed his desperation to preserve his leftist legacy. That same desperation is what we see now in Vice President Kamala Harris’s flailing campaign. It was not too long ago that everyone was calling for a tamping down of the rhetoric after an assassination attempt on Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump. That did not last long, and that sentiment has certainly been cast aside.


Ms. Harris’ desperation is evident in her and the leftist, insidious rhetoric again of Donald Trump being dangerous, unstable, unhinged, unfit, a threat, Hitler, a fascist. Apparently, since Kamala Harris has no regrets, a piece we shared about these past three and a half years, her policies are nothing different. So the last resort, a political hail Mary, is to go right back to the demonization and hyperbolic rantings about Trump.

But who is the real danger, threat, and fascist?

The policies of the past three and a half years have been abjectly dangerous for America and even the world.  Under the Trump administration, there was no high inflation. We were energy-independent. We had operational control of our border. There was peace in the Middle East. Ukraine was not being invaded. Iran was practically bankrupt. And, there was no collusion between the Trump administration and private sector media outlets to censor Americans’ free speech.

Now we have Kamala Harris going out and regurgitating the questionable words of retired U.S. Marine General John Kelly.

What happened to the campaign of joy and aspiration? Well, that lofty rhetoric does not mean anything when Americans are being assaulted and killed by illegals. It is worthless when the world is on fire. So, what is the alternative course of action? Just relaunch the campaign of personal destruction.

Kamala Harris is so desperate to continue her laughable fraud of the American people, much like Obama. She has evidenced a lack of depth and understanding of critical issues. She has no focus other than being able to repeat well-rehearsed, empty, scripted lines. Now, of course, the acolytes of leftism would say that I am just the black face of white supremacism, more foolish blather. Joe Biden has already asserted that I am not Black since I am not voting for him. Barack Hussein Obama weakly attempted to chastise Black men like me, suggesting sexism. These are all indicators of the desperation of these disciples of central government control, and is evidenced by Kamala Harris.

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