by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

When Catherine Austin Fitts sent the following article to me in an email, I knew instantly I’d be blogging about it, because I think it’s a bit of confirmation – in its own convoluted geopolitical double-speak – of a “scenario” I’ve had in my head, and mentioned, ever since the days of my appearances on the late George Ann Hughes’ The Byte Show in the 2o10s, that scenario being one of “Mafia wars”. But we’ll get back to that after the story, which one simply has to read to believe:

Would you like to know what BRICS just declared?

Just to make sure you’re not skipping over the link entirely, here’s what some of this article says:


BRICS just wrapped up its 16th summit in Kazan. Probably you heard about this momentous event from meticulously researched independent media articles discussing how BRICS just delivered a DOUBLE DEATHBLOW to the globalists.

This is very good news. Let us celebrate together by reading the BRICS’ Kazan Declaration, published on October 23. (English or Russian, compliments of the Kremlin’s official website.)

Please, I beg you—read this Declaration and share it with all your friends. The Kazan Declaration is not just a massive victory for BRICS, it is a victory for all decent freedom-loving people on Earth.

Here are a few highlights from this historic document:

After this promising anti-Globaloneyist start, we then take the plunge into the document, whose contents can be summarized by quoting the section headers of the article:

BRICS supports “global governance” and “the central role of the United Nations in the international system”

BRICS supports the leading role of the IMF in global finance

BRICS supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

BRICS supports public-private partnerships to help nations achieve their Sustainable Development Goals

(And just for the records, that “public-private partnerships” lingo is the latest euphemism for mercantilism and fascism.)

BRICS supports the reduction and removal of greenhouse gases to combat climate change

(Get a new tune, guys, this one is old… and nonsense.)

BRICS supports the creation of carbon markets

(Financialize a faked crisis!  How original!)

BRICS supports the World Health Organization and its “central coordinating role” in strengthening “the international pandemic prevention, preparedness and response system”

BRICS supports the development of safe & effective vaccines

On and on it goes, until it ends with this entirely predictable bit of globaloneybabble (the official, and officious, language of Globaloneyism)  and boilerplate about sustainability and all the other usual feel-good catch phrases:

Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security vs Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet

The article ends by noting that there is not “a dime’s worth of difference between them”, the “them” being BRICS and the G20:

The theme of this year’s BRICS summit was “Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security”. I think we all understand why BRICS chose this theme—because it is very meaningful and profound.

In sharp contrast, the G20 (which includes the USA and many other Unipolar Satanic West nations) will be meeting next month in Rio de Janeiro to discuss “Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet”.

The contrast could not be more extreme. Like day and night.

Color me… not surprised. But I rather suspect that the meaning of the article is rather different than that which most people will give it. The meaning that most people will give it is simply that one all-powerful cabal of the superich, technocrats, apparatchiks, banksters and their ever-present lackeys – corrupt politicians – are all one big conspiracy goose-stepping in complete lock step and total coordination to the ultimate and irresistible goal of a global (and very tyrannical) government. Well, no doubt about it: any global government will be tyrannical simply due to its sheer size, and therefore, it’s sheer disconnect from local realities. If you think the current malodor emanating from Swampington, DC is bad, you have yet to smell the real rot and stink of corruption on a global government scale. And, I would aver, that sheer size will also mean the inevitable collapse and failure of any such government. Indeed, the Swamp is what one gets when (1) power becomes centralized and (2) that power in turn is monopolized by one faction or another.

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