The age of Genetic Terrorism


by Dr. Daniel Nagase, Logical Surprises:

In April 2022, almost two and a half years ago I warned about the genetic alteration of humanity in a speech in Downtown Vancouver, Canada.

I did not think of the mRNA injections from Pfizer or Moderna as terrorism back then. But looking back today, I wonder if those very COVID “vaccines” started of the age of genetic terrorism in 2020.

On the other hand going by today’s definition of terrorism, is it in fact Meiji corporation’s Self Replicating “Vaccine” the first act of genetic terrorism?


What is Terrorism?


(How does it differ from an attack? (for example during a war))

In a war, an “Attack” is typically directed at the enemy’s fighting forces, for the purpose of achieving a military victory.

However, in war, there are attacks with a different purpose. There are attacks designed to create fear, demoralize, and terrorize the other country’s soldiers AND people. Historically, sometimes these were called “scorched earth” policy, where fields were set on fire for no other purpose than to create fear and starve people, sometimes after the war was concluded with military surrender. The modern version of “Scorched Earth” is cluster bombs (that Senator Clinton supported the use of in 2006)1 Unexploded mini bombs remain for 50 years or more after a cluster bomb attack so that when a farmer’s field is cluster bombed, that field is unfarmable due to the danger of unexploded bombs killing the farmer.

Today, such military acts, even though their purpose is terror, are not called terrorism. Terrorism in western culture today is thought of as surprise attacks against civilians by small groups of insurgents (not rebels) in places outside the “Theater of War”.

Were mRNA injections Terrorism?



Points to consider:

  1. Attack against non-combatants?Yes.
  2. Massive non-combatant casualties. (Unlike typical acts of terrorism, the damage was not instant, it was delayed)Yes.
  3. Surprise attack outside a war zone?Yes.
  4. Intended to create Terror?Perhaps.
    1. Taking and coercing injections were the RESULT of a media Terror campaign.
    2. Fear CREATED by the mRNA vaccine is limited to reflection upon the future damage it will cause after the fact. i.e. Genetic alteration of future generations, and illnesses caused by spike protein shedding – that Pfizer already knew about prior to human trials.
    3. Is the level of fear of spike protein exposure from people who took the mRNA vaccine sufficient to call it terrorism?
  5. Were mRNA injections an act of man and not nature?Yes.
    1. To be exact, earthquakes, tsunamis and forest fires are not terrorism, unless they are caused by man.
      1. For example, these forest fires set by a man in Alberta could be considered terrorism.2

Unlike bombings and airplane hijackings, the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections did not come with the force of imminent death against the will of people who want to stay alive.

  • There was coercion with the threat of loss of employment, inability to travel and poverty.
    • This is not typically considered “Terrorism”.
  • Although door to door FORCED vaccinations against people were threatened by some Canadian politicians like Rachel Notley3, armed nurses forcing injections onto families never happened in Canada. (This definitely would meet the threshold of Terrorism)


  • Spike protein Shedding and its effects on people who were innocent and never took the mRNA vaccine could be thought of as falling within the grey zone of possible Terrorism.
    • A key determinant is whether the Spike protein shedding effect on surrounding people is deadly or not, or if it is not deadly, whether the effect is permanent or not.
      • The evidence of deaths or cancer just from spike protein exposure is still being collected.

All of this leads us to the big question:

Are Replicon Vaccines Terrorism?


(Most likely Yes.)

  • If Replicons cause illness or death by infecting innocent people who never took the injection, this is a far greater crime than Pfizer or Moderna mRNA injections.
    • This is because regular mRNA vaccines for COVID harm others by shedding spike proteins.
    • Replicons are worse because Replicon vaccines can CAUSE production of spike proteins in other People’s bodies (as I describe below):

Exosomes, Supervirus and Supercancer

Sep 21


Sep 21
  • This is in effect forcing others to take the Replicon vaccine even though they have never been coerced with threats of job loss.

Is a person who takes the Replicon Vaccine a “Suicide Bomber”?


  • Points to consider
    • Some suicide bombers are tricked into killing others with promises of “Heaven” and “40 Virgins”.
    • Replicon Vaccine patients may be tricked with promises that they are protecting themselves and others from the spread of Coronavirus
      • The evidence is already overwhelming that the previous mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna did nothing to stop the spread of Coronavirus.

Obviously the scale of deception put upon the person causing harm to others is vastly different between the Suicide Bomber and the person who takes a Replicon vaccine.

Why am I making the comparison?


  • Because of the effect.
    • If you look at the excess deaths caused by the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid vaccines, the effect is far worse than any act of Terrorism in the modern age.
      • The current COVID vaccines themselves could be called the greatest act of Terrorism in history.
        • People who have seen the myocarditis, cancer and death rightfully fear mRNA.
          • The world now knows how deadly mRNA can be.
    • This fear of the effect of mRNA is as reasonable as the fear of bombs.
      • Because now there is justified pre-existing fear of mRNA, even the threat of releasing an infectious form of mRNA like the Replicon, with harmful effects equal to or greater than current mRNA vaccines, is by definition Terrorism.

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