Slovak government’s investigation into the covid pandemic finds it was a “fabricated operation” and calls for ban on mRNA injections


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The Slovak government commissioner for investigating the management of the coronavirus pandemic, Peter Kotlár, considers mRNA injections to be dangerous and has called for a ban. He also calls the covid pandemic an “act of bioterrorism” and a “fabricated operation.”

On 2 October, after it had been submitted to the Government, Kotlár gave a press conference about his report.  The key recommendations from his report include halting the use of mRNA “vaccines,” that SARS-CoV-2 was artificially created in a laboratory and deliberately spread worldwide, and ending Slovakia’s cooperation with the World Health Organisation.  The report will be made public “but let’s wait first for a session of the government,” he said.


“The most serious consequence of the whole fabricated operation called the covid-19 pandemic is the endangerment of human health and the confirmation of the naivety of the world population to be subconsciously obedient,” Kotlár said.

“Let us at least make the right gesture together by stopping the administration of mRNA preparations until their effectiveness and safety have been proven,” Kotlar demanded when presenting his report. The most serious finding is that mRNA preparations alter human DNA, he claims. The vaccines have been inadequately tested and are therefore dangerous.

Slovakia’s Covid Investigation Commissioner Report Seeks To Ban mRNA Vaccines – Says World Population Is “Naive & Subconsciously Obedient”

The following is the article ‘Slovakia wants to ban mRNA vaccines’ written by Lubos Palata, published by Deutsche Welle (“DW”) on 9 October 2024 and translated into English by Interest of Justice.

DW is a German public, state-owned international broadcaster funded by the German federal tax budget.  As such its article does its best to try to save the dying false narrative that covid “vaccines” are “safe and effective.” 

For example, as a counterargument to the report which tolled the death knell to the Slovak Health Minister, DW quotes a “group of experts,” who are deeply concerned about what the report states, saying: “The views presented question facts that have been verified and accepted by the global expert community and the relevant authorities.”  This sums up the very problem with the false covid narrative that corporate and state media have been peddling since early 2020. 

Thus, on two fronts, DW’s article is revealing.  Firstly, the Slovak government is doing what is right for its citizens, as every government should. Secondly, corporate media and other Covidians are desperately scrambling to save their butts.

As an addition to DW’s “group of experts” questionable opinion, and demonstrating the danger of so-called experts’ arrogance and need to keep the lies going, we refer readers to an article published by Denník N, a Slovak daily newspaper.  The article’s lede states: “Doctors and scientists see no reason to stop vaccinating mRNA with vaccines in Slovakia. The government should reject Kotlár‘s recommendations in full, says virologist Boris Klemp.” You can almost smell the fear and panic as their house of cards crumbles.

Slovakia Wants to Ban mRNA Vaccines

In Slovakia, Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova has resigned. She belongs to the “Voice of the President” party, the moderate force in the populist left-right government of Prime Minister Robert Fico.

Her resignation came after only eleven months in office. She justified it with differences of opinion over the budget, which provides for deep cuts in the health care system. However, the decisive factor was probably the report that the government commissioner for the investigation of the covid pandemic, Peter Kotlar, presented a week ago.

Slovak Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova announced her resignation on 4 October 2024.

In it, he not only questions the pandemic itself but also calls for a ban on vaccination with mRNA vaccines developed by Western companies such as BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna. Experts disagree with him. In their view, these vaccines have helped to significantly reduce the number of deaths from the virus and the consequences of the pandemic.

This is exactly what Kotlar denies. “The most serious consequence of the whole fabricated operation called the covid-19 pandemic is the endangerment of human health and the confirmation of the naivety of the world population to be subconsciously obedient,” he said when presenting his report.

Anti-Vaccination Activists In Power In Bratislava

Kotlar, a member of the ruling Slovak National Party, had spoken out against the then government’s measures and the covid vaccination on YouTube during the pandemic, for example, which earned him considerable popularity that helped him get into parliament.

Member of Parliament and Government Commissioner for the Investigation of the Pandemic, Peter Kotlar, in the Slovak Parliament during his swearing-in ceremony on 25 October 2023.

Kotlar’s call for a ban on mRNA vaccines has received support from Prime Minister Fico himself. “You all know that I personally have always been against vaccination with experimental vaccines against covid,” Fico said in his address to the nation published on Facebook at the weekend. He added that he had “many acquaintances” who had experienced significant health problems after the covid vaccination. And he called on Kotlar to find out who in Slovakia had enriched themselves through the “unnecessary purchase of medical supplies and vaccines.”

High Mortality During the Pandemic

Slovakia was among the hardest-hit countries in the world in terms of the number of deaths related to the covid pandemic. In this Central European EU member state of five million inhabitants, 21,000 people died as a result of covid. In addition to a poor and underfunded healthcare system, disinformation campaigns, distrust of modern Western vaccines and the underestimation of covid itself also contributed to this.

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