Sex Change Procedures Inflicted on 14,000 Children


from Moonbattery:

Everyone agrees that Josef Mengele was a villain. But his crimes are dwarfed by the scale of evil currently taking place in the USA, as revealed by Do No Harm:

From January 2019 to December 2023, 13,994 minor patients received gender-transition treatments, with 5,747 undergoing sex-change surgeries and 8,579 getting hormones and puberty blockers, according to Do No Harm’s database. A majority of the body-modification procedures were conducted on minors around the age of 15.


No child can meaningfully consent to being deformed for social engineering purposes.

The database lines up with anecdotal accounts of teenagers being rushed into surgical operations and hormone procedures that permanently alter their bodies. A number of medical patients who later came to regret these procedures, known as “detransitioners,” have publicly spoken about their experiences being pushed to undergo gender-transition operations while they struggled with mental-health issues and sought guidance.

The figures given are lower limits:

The database likely undercounts the true number of trans medical interventions because it excludes “gray area” cases and lacks data from certain health-care providers. …

Do No Harm’s figures are based on publicly available insurance claim data the organization obtained from clearinghouses, data aggregators, payers, health systems, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and open sources.

The crimes against humanity are inflicted to advance the LGBT agenda. Unsurprisingly, they mainly occur where Democrats have established hegemony:

The facilities Do No Harm spotlights are almost entirely concentrated in blue states where transgender procedures are entirely legal and gender-transition activists have political support from elected officials.

In addition to the public funding is involved, we are forced to finance these atrocities through higher insurance rates:

Over the relevant time frame, patients submitted close to $120 million in charges to insurers, Do No Harm found.

The real bill has yet to come due. A Thomas Jefferson quote comes to mind:

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