Prepare for LANDSLIDE TRUMP VICTORY on November 5th followed by AVALANCH of FAKE KAMALA BALLOTS counted in the days that follow


by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

There should be no election denial syndrome after November 5th, when Donald J. Trump voters flood the nation and turn nearly every state red, including all the swing states. First off, take a good look at every single Trump rally to date, and you see thousands of fans showing up with signs, t-shirts, hats and banners, singing the national anthem and cheering on the man, the patriot, the real President, who survived two assassination attempts during this campaign already.

Take a look back at election day from 4 years ago, when Trump had a massive lead across the board, that could only be “undone” by tens of millions of faked Biden ballots and machine-flipped votes (7,000 at a time) that were illegally credited and “certified” in the days that followed.


Watch any debate, press conference or even the softball interviews of Kamala “Kommie” Harris and you will see someone who seems to have the IQ of a fence post. She offers NO policy, no answers to real questions and zero intelligible talk about the economy, closing the borders, international relations, helping Americans in dire need from massive storm devastation or fixing the horrific crime issues that besiege every big city in the nation.

The only way Kommie can win is to cheat, and cheat big, in all the big counties in all the swing states. Watch how Trump’s massive lead diminishes and magically disappears at “warp speed” on November 6th, 7th and 8th, and then remains a Kommie lead by the exact same amount after that, just like with Biden in 2020.

Democrats are fighting tooth and nail against election integrity — not for it

Watch now, as the Democrat politicians scramble to fight election integrity, not fight for it, but against it, in all the swing states. The last thing in the world the Democrats want is a fair and secure election. This is the party that obliterated democracy by inserting Kommie Harris as the only possible candidate for POTUS. This is the UN-DEMOCRATIC party, that never elected Harris to this position, that stole delegates, and embezzled money for the campaign via Democrat PAC Act Blue (among many other ways).

Take a look at Tim Walz, who supports demented agendas like turning kids into gender-dysphoric, genitalia-mutilated freaks. Tim Walz, who puts tampons in boys’ bathrooms at public schools. Tim Walz who said himself on video that he’s “friends with school shooters.” This guy is just another puppet of the communist apocalypse that’s coming to America should the Democrats get away with the big cheat, again.

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