Our Current U.S. Government Is Unconstitutional As The ‘Federal Borg,’ An Unelected Fourth Branch Of Government, Has Declared War Against God And Middle-Class Prosperity


by Molly Slag, All News Pipeline:

September 17 was Constitution Day, a day set aside for American patriots to commemorate the moment 237 years ago, when delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed that document. It’s all the day when a prominent Philadelphia matron, Elizabeth Willing Powel, ambushed Benjamin Franklin as he left Constitution Hall. Spying Franklin, she pounced with the interrogatory, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” This is the famous question to which Franklin uttered his famous response: “A republic, if you can keep it!”

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Today’s patriots commemorate this brief colloquy precisely because of the chilling fact that we haven’t “kept” that republic. Since at least WWII, we have let the republic slip through our fingers with the exponential growth of the administrative state.

In Washington Goes to War, David Brinkley details how the DC bureaucracy exploded during the war, aided in no small part by FDR’s New Deal. Today, notwithstanding that the Constitution makes the federal government a republic and, in Article IV Section 4, guarantees that each of the 50 states is a republic, in all 51 jurisdictions, the republican form has been eclipsed by the administrative bureaucracy that dominates the federal and state governments.

These administrative bureaucracies are, in effect, a fourth branch of the government in all 51 jurisdictions. These fourth branches are wholly unelected, hence nullifying self-government. These fourth branches enact more laws than their corresponding legislative branches and exercise their own powers of prosecution, adjudication, and sentencing.

Because the personnel of these fourth branches are appointed by the corresponding executive branches and their superintendent deep states, these fourth branch personnel exhibit a distinct cyborg persona, which renders them adverse to the human citizens of the states. Although it might perhaps be justly claimed that we are still in the early stages of this Borg rule, the general outlines and conflicts of that rule are already clearly apparent.

For this reason, the 2024 presidential election is only superficially labeled “Trump versus Harris.” Matthew G. Andersson noted it would more correctly be labeled “Trump versus the Federal Borg.” And Eric Utter recently pointed out that the US federal government has become a criminal organization.

Although much work remains to be done to flesh out the full ramifications of this concept, even at this early stage of development, two specific Federal Borg wars can be clearly identified.

(1) The Federal Borg War Against Middle-Class Prosperity

(a) The Migrant Invasion


The Federal Borg has imported the migrant waves precisely because the invaders’ dependency on the government is calculated to generate the votes that will keep the Federal Borg in power. Along with their political loyalty, they also bring crime, disease, chaos in education, and the dislocation of employment.

(b) Banning Practical Energy

A recent Wall Street Journal editorial tells us that notwithstanding the proven sheer impracticality of it, the new greenhouse gas emissions rules that the Environmental Protection Agency promulgated require that battery-powered and plug-in hybrid vehicles constitute 32% of new automobile sales by 2027, and 71% by 2032. Never mind that EVs are vastly inferior to gasoline-powered vehicles and extremely dangerous because they catch fire in minor accidents.

Still, coal, gas, and nuclear are out, and wind and solar are in. The hills are alive with solar and wind farms, but what do they plan for when the sun’s not shining and the wind’s not blowing? Where can you find a charging station when you need one, how long will it take to charge your EV, and how far can you drive before you next charge? Since one terrorist with a .22 rifle can take out a substation, we might want to contemplate life without electricity.

(2) The Federal Borg War Against God

In the fearsome smoke and thunder of Mount Sinai, YHVH made crystal clear that it matters to Him how the denizens of Solar III behave toward Him and toward each other, and He delivered ten commands to drive home the point. Searching the first five books of the Bible (also known as the “Torah”), the Jewish sages have ferreted out from the text of the scripture an additional 603 divine commands, making a total of 613 divine commands listed in the Old Testament alone. A handful of those commands that our federal government notoriously transgresses would include the following:

(a) “Choose Life” (Deuteronomy 30:19)

YHVH commands a pro-life stance and condemns a pro-death stance as profoundly immoral. Yet the sitting Vice President of the US federal government supports unlimited abortion. So does her party, which is the party of the Borg Federal Government and the deep state. The Democrat party is pro-death.

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