OPERATION GUN CONTROL: False Flag Mass Shootings & Mass Casualty Events Explained By Insider-Whistleblower


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN EDITOR’S NOTE: The following firsthand testimony was written by a victim of the CIA’s MK-Ultra Monarch mind control program. It details his personal interactions with Sen. Robert C. Byrd—a Democrat who was the longest serving U.S. senator in American history— during a one-on-one meeting he had with him during the summer of 1993 outside of Nashville, TN.
Our readers know that SOTN has posted more articles on the countless Gladio-style false flag mass shootings than any other site on the Internet today. As a matter of fact, we have posted so many exposés on these never-ending staged mass casualty events that some folks have questioned the whole confusing matter. They really wonder how these MCEs are all carried out in a carefully coordinated effort by the U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S. Armed Forces, local law enforcement; and then fastidiously covered up by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Our response is always the same:

OPERATION GLADIO and the very stealthy
“Strategy of Tension” paving the way for
the American Bolshevik Revolution.

In light of the fact that all of these Second Amendment-cancelling psyops and gun control black ops have been perpetrated against the American people since August of 1963, it ought to be easy to understand how those traitorous organs of the U.S. Federal Government have gotten away with it scot-free for over 60 years … … … until now!

TEXAS FLASHBACK: It all started with a bang in Austin in 1966 with the UT Tower Mass Shooting. They forgot to tell us that the highly proficient ex-Marine sniper was a CIA contractor……

Rather than add any more commentary, we present the brave whistleblower’s own words as hard evidence (see his “Monarch injury” photos in the link) for what is the most important covert US Intel Community operation of all—OPERATION GUN CONTROL.

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