My Warning to Australia on the Cancer Risks of Covid Vaccines Did Not Go Unheeded


by Angus Dalgleish, Daily Sceptic:

I have just returned from a month touring New Zealand and Australia, talking to doctors and other medical professionals who have been badly impacted by their national and state governments’ appalling responses to COVID-19, their lockdown and mandatory-treatment policies and the impact of the vaccines. As part of this tour I spent a day in the Australian National Parliament talking to Senators and other politicians. This was all sponsored by generous donations to the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) and the New Zealand doctors’ Speak out for Science group (NZD-SOS).


The overwhelming response to my questions was how these top-down Covid-related policies and decisions had destroyed the careers of good and honourable doctors – doctors who’ve been punished for sensibly treating early Covid symptoms, for refusing vaccination on the grounds they had already been vaccinated, and finally for refusing to give vaccine booster jabs to people who had clearly had an adverse response to the first injections.

The scale of this dictatorial savagery I saw was beyond belief. Paul Collits’s article ‘Hunted and hounded – Australia’s dissenting doctors‘, published by TCW in December 2021, describes the tip of an iceberg.

In the U.K. we narrowly escaped mandatory vaccines in the NHS thanks to last-minute interventions with scientific advisors, though care workers did not, leading to significant losses in that already overstretched sector. But New Zealand and Australian health services have been devastated by the loss of doctors, nurses and paramedics who rightly refused to have a vaccine for a non-lethal disease. This has led to severe shortages, a huge loss to the profession, the evidence for which is overwhelming, the Sydney Morning Herald reporting almost 1,000 New South Wales healthcare workers sacked or quitting after refusing to be vaccinated.

This, the Australians have tried to correct, in true NHS style, by urgently recruiting staff from overseas, from not only the U.K. but also many countries that cannot possibly match the standards of care given by the thousands of doctors and paramedics excluded from working by the greatest piece of lethal ideology of my lifetime.

I was accompanied on this tour by Dr. Paul Marik, Chair of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance in the USA and the first doctor to successfully use ivermectin to treat Covid. He is also credited with giving an in-depth analysis of the early data that led to the approval of the Pfizer vaccine – his analysis showing that the published data tried to hide the fact that 42,000 people suffered SAEs (serious adverse events) and 1,220 people died. (How the FDA came to approve this genetic insert in spite of a warning that any drug associated with 50 or more deaths should be immediately withdrawn is simply mind-boggling.)

There is no doubt Australia and New Zealand suffered even more than we did in the U.K. They found themselves under tin-pot dictators like ‘Mad Dan’ Andrews, the former Premier of Victoria (now gone but not disgraced), dictators who competed with each other in the imposing of totalitarian measures. Without doubt the lockdowns imposed in New Zealand under Jacinda Ardern and in Victoria under Dan Andrews eclipsed even those the Scots suffered under Nicola Sturgeon.

I met doctors who had been punished for treating ill or symptomatic Covid patients with sensible drugs and measures (like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine) from early on, treatments for which the authorities refused approval despite the expert advocacy, from early 2021, of doctors such as the senior pathologist Dr. Robert Clancy.

What doctors were clearly required to do, and did do instead, was to follow guidelines similar to those in the U.K. This was to leave their patients untreated until extremely ill, when calling an ambulance became a necessity, and when patients were hospitalised to hasten death with inappropriate ventilation or midazolam or, even worse, FDA-approved remdesivir, which is extremely expensive and significantly increases the chance of dying with renal failure induced in survivors of Covid including those which the drug did not kill when given for the Covid symptoms! No wonder they dubbed it “Rundeathisnear“!

Worse, the many doctors I spoke to had to endure mandatory vaccines themselves, as this was the rule in all medically related professions, transport and hospitality and any occupation receiving monies from the Government.

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