Just-In-Time Food Storage – Part 1


by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

This article describes a just-In-time food storage plan for preppers.

These are some of the biggest reasons/excuses why some preppers don’t currently have much food storage:

1. I’ll probably never need it.
2. It’s too complicated to figure all the techniques out.
3. It’s too expensive.
4. Where am I going to store it all?
5. It would be much too embarrassing if my family and friends found out!

This article is about taking probabilities into account as things heat up in the world and putting together a last-minute food-storage shopping list to be prepared just in case.

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Some of the possibilities in the next six months include: post-election chaos at multiple levels is almost guaranteed, whether by coordinated terrorists and foreign agents who’ve crossed into the US over the past four years, or false-flag events by the powers that be which are then blamed on terrorists. Other possibilities are wider-spread wars in the Middle East, the Ukraine war taking a turn for the worst, possible nuclear wars, hacker infrastructure disruptions, and supply chain disruptions, which we saw the threat of by the recent dock worker’s strike, are easier to pull off than we’d considered. The list of possibilities is longer if you take into account the long list of false-flag events and other deceptions the US government have used to fool We the People. There are plenty of declassified CIA and Defense Department documents to see what’s been planned and/or done in the past and we can rest assured they continue as always.

Many of these possibilities, if they occur, would be enough to make us wish we had some food-storage set aside. Because many of us get stuck in normalcy bias, we don’t think realistically about what’s really possible and what’s not.

At some point, some of us will realize that world events are heating up to a critical stage. When we get to the point where the consequences of not being prepared food-wise outweigh the possibility of never needing that food storage, perhaps it’ll be time to implement some of the ideas in this article before the masses come to the same conclusion.

This article expresses my thoughts on how people can be just-in-time (JIT) preppers when it comes to food-storage. Understandably, many preppers have a wait-and-see mentality when it comes to buying a year’s worth of food storage. It’s a lot of food. But as with COVID-19, many who read the alternative media should have enough of a heads up before the masses do to finally hit the tipping point to buy all that food storage they hadn’t wanted to buy until things looked more certain.

For the bona fide preppers reading this, remember this isn’t a primer on how to start prepping, rather a shopping list for those wait-and-see preppers, or non-preppers, who wake up one morning and suddenly realize it’s time. It’s also a shopping list for the “OMG-we’re-all-gonna-di” crowd if they can stay a month or a week ahead of the masses.

Lastly, it’s also a shopping list for those of us who already feel well-prepared for food stoage, but who want to wait until JIT before buying supplies to provide for our friends and neighbors who weren’t as prepared as they should have been.

Advance Warning of Covid?

How many of us could have foreseen in 2019 that something like COVID-19 was going to show up in 2020? The earliest mention I can find on SurvivalBlog is January 24, 2020. The words “possible pandemic” were already being used by SurvivalBlog commenters which should have at least piqued the interest of most readers.

Aside from following the science journals and alternative media, I was also following the mainstream media just to see when it would finally be the lead story. I had a prepared myself in late January with a “shopping list” of 12 stocks that would do well if COVID-19 turned into a pandemic. When things were a little more certain, I’d buy. I was a just-in-time (JIT) investor. As I watched the COVID-19 story move up the list on Fox News’ website, I decided I’d go to the “store” (Schwab) with my JIT “shopping list” (stock picks) and buy a few days before COVID-19 was the lead story. I didn’t expect the masses to really wake up until then. Looking at my financial records, I bought on Friday February 24th. That was 31 days after the first SurvivalBlog mention of COVID-19. On Monday the 27th, COVID-19 was the lead story on Fox News and by the end of the day on Monday my COVID-19 stock portfolio was up 34%. Both Fox News aficionados and stock investors woke up about the same time. The JIT stock shopping list I made ahead of time had really paid off.

Was I some sort of a stock-investing genius? Hardly! I was paying attention to world events and the alternative media, considered the possibilities, then the probabilities, and I prepared myself ahead of time with a stock shopping list. Then I bought just-in-time before the masses woke up.

I’m hoping the ideas presented in this article will help the wait-and-see preppers get a food-storage shopping list made so at the drop of a hat they can head to the store and stock up before the masses wake up to whatever situation at the time is rapidly spiraling out of control.

First: Break All the Rules

There’ll be some pushback on this article because it breaks basic prepping food-storage rules. Rules or no rules, I think we’d all agree it’s better to have a bunch of food stacked up in the guest room that we have no clue what to do with than to be at Walmart two weeks later when the slugfest is in full swing and the only thing left at closing time is the spilled bag of coffee beans on aisle 13.

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