Israel’s own footage shows “devastating” civilian harm caused by Gaza air strikes


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

An investigation by Airwars has revealed that Israel’s own aerial footage proves a “devastating” number of civilian injuries and deaths caused by the Jewish state’s air strikes in Gaza.

Contrary to the claims of the Netanyahu regime, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are killing an exceptional amount of innocent people in the Gaza Strip with its “precision” attacks, validating concerns that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people.


Airwars analyzed hundreds of video clips released by the Israeli military over the past year showing that Israel’s airstrikes in Gaza are not the “precise campaign” that Israel claims them to be; they are causing “devastating levels of civilian harm,” according to the group, which along with Sky News released a film this week about all this that you can watch below:


(Related: IDF has begun planting Israeli flags in southern Lebanon to claim the territory as part of “Greater Israel.”)

Israeli airstrikes in Gaza aren’t “precise,” they’re careless and reckless

Airwars investigators spent countless hours watching Israeli footage of the airstrikes, geolocating each and every one of them, and tying them to known incidents in which Palestinian civilians had been harmed or killed.

In the first month of the war alone, Israel engaged in 17 airstrike incidents that Airwars determined resulted in civilians being injured or killed. More than 400 Palestinian civilians, more than 200 of which were children, died because of those 17 airstrikes alone.

Keep in mind that those 17 Israeli airstrikes that first month of the war represent just one percent of all the footage that Israel has released over the past year. More than 40,000 Palestinian civilians, many of them children, have died over the past year from Israeli airstrikes.

Airwars director Emily Tripp commented that the video footage in question is basically “grainy black and white clips with few details [with] captions declaring they were striking Hamas targets.”

“The message they wanted the world to see was one of a precise campaign, a controlled narrative of careful and calculated warfare,” she added in a statement.

“Even in the strikes the Israeli military itself published footage of – the ones it chose to show the world – we found hundreds of civilians killed. This is yet more evidence that the practices of the Israeli military are leading to unprecedented levels of civilian harm.”

On Oct. 25, 2023, just days after the Hamas attack on October 7, Israel conducted an airstrike on the residential al-Taj tower. Airwars identified at least 101 civilians who were killed as a result, including 44 children and 37 women. Israel claimed the strike was targeting a “Hamas tunnel,” but the Netanyahu regime never provided any evidence to back that claim.

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