ISRAEL IS DONE! It’s over—finished as a nation-state. Here’s why.


from State Of The Nation:

It’s of paramount importance to understand that the Zionist state of Israel only knows how to resolve all conflicts with a military force and violent reactions.

Because of this deeply ingrained foreign policy since its founding as a full-blown terrorist state, there is no room for negotiation and/or compromise about anything. For this tribe of inveterate murderers and thieves has never signed a treaty or truce, agreement and pact in good faith; and they never will.

In point of fact, the apartheid state of Israel was founded via the most violent forms of terrorism; it is sustained by terrorism; and can only exist in the future in the same manner.

The Total Madness of
the State of Israel

The stark reality is that the modern state Israel was deliberately set up as a national terrorist operation to be used as a cat’s paw by NATO (also known as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).  The U.S. and UK especially use Israel to keep all the Mideast the oil-producing nations under their thumb, which they have done since WWII.

However, the entire Middle East military and geopolitical chessboard has radically changed since the inception of Israel in 1947.  For example, Iran and other enemies of Israel now possess some of the most advanced drone weapon technology and hypersonic ICBM weaponry on the planet.  Not only that, but Iran now has nuclear weapons which can turn Israel into a vitrified parking lot in a matter of hours.

So what the entire world community of nations is really witnessing today is Israel’s deep frustration and anxiety with that ever-worsening predicament.  For it only gets worse by the day as the hardcore terrorists and incorrigible warmongers in Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem dig themselves a deeper and deeper grave with every act of terrorism and war.

How so?

This is now the daily dynamic, which began in earnest with the false flag 10/7 terrorist operation that was perpetrated by the IDF/MOSSAD terrorist group against the people of Israel:

First, Israel assassinates an Iranian or Hamas or Hezbollah political or military leader. Next, there is a minor retaliation for these terrorist assassinations.  Then Israel uses those justified military reprisals as a justification to bomb with wanton abandon any location they so choose.  The civilian targets such as hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, nurseries, banks, refugee camps, etc. inevitably result in great numbers of women and children, elderly and infirm being mass murdered by the IDF, thereby generating even more anti-Israel hatred the world over.

Now we are seeing even more desperate acts of deception and brazen ploys of outright deceit by Team Netanyahu as a means of somehow refuting the legitimacy of the various indictments of genocide issued against the top Israeli military leaders by international courts.  As follows:

Everything points to a false flag drone attack on Netanyahu’s
home to justify a counterattack against the
Iranian leadership in Tehran.

Do you see what’s going on here?

Israel is like a rabid dog, biting anything and everything within its reach because of its own paralyzing impotence and self-destructive Zionist ideology.

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