Is Western Civilizational Decline Too Advanced to Be Reversed?


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Trump says he intends to make America great again, and his supporters believe him.  I also believe it is Trump’s intent.  The question is if there is enough left of America to restore.

Trump, if he is careful about his appointments, could make a good stab at restoration:  Robert Kennedy as the head of the Food and Drug Administration.  General Flynn as head of the CIA.  Elon Musk as Secretary of State.  John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute as Attorney General.  Michael Hudson as Secretary of the Treasury.  Edward Snowden as Director of the National Security Agency.  


A number of the police state agencies, such as Homeland Security, could be abolished.  So, yes, in theory, Trump could have a go at restoring America.  But is Trump capable of even imagining  these appointments, and if so could he get them confirmed by the US Senate?

I have no confidence that Trump would acquire the human capital his administration would need to do the job he has assigned to himself.

Perhaps his advisors again are serving the establishment, not Trump, telling him that he needs to moderate his attack on the establishment in order to make himself more acceptable to the ruling elite and less of a target for the presstitute media. This is how potential leaders are brought to heel. 

Among the problems Trump would face is the erosion of the US Constitution with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, the Wall Street Journal editor, law school deans, and the Woke Left calling for the Constitution’s overthrow because the First Amendment prevents the Ruling Elite from controlling the population by controlling the narrative.  See:   The United States is the Constitution. Overthrowing the Constitution is the same as overthrowing the United States.  It is treason.  Would Trump’s Justice Department arrest these people for treason?

The First Amendment prohibits the government from prohibiting the freedom of speech and guarantees the freedom of assembly. These Constitutional Rights were violated by the Democrats who turned free speech and assembly into an “insurrection.”  Democrats, led by the Jew Biden appointed as Attorney General  and by the FBI director appointed by Trump, ruled that attending a rally to support  a president constituted  “insurrection.” One thousand American patriots who attended the Trump Rally are wasting away in prison for no other reason than law was used against them as a weapon.

The destruction of the rule of law is the Democrats and the American left-wing’s main achievement.  In “free America” law is no longer a shield of the people.  Law is a weapon in the hands of those in power to decimate the political opposition. President Trump’s two loyal appointees–General Flynn and Steve Bannon–were both sentenced to prison.

Another problem Trump would face is that the liberal-left have turned education into indoctrination.  Education is no longer the function of  American schools and universities. Students are brainwashed that Western Civilization has no achievements except racism and exploitation of people of color, that whites are  racists, that people can be born into the wrong bodies, that the Constitution is in the way of progress.  The normalization of sexual perversity, the sexualization of young children, and open borders are turning America into a Sodom and Gomorrah Tower of Babel.  This is the accomplishment of the Democrat Party and the liberal-left.

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