How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium. West North Carolina’s Tragic Aftermath


by Greg Reese and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research:

The lithium rich mines in North Carolina and the thieves who occupy government


This outstanding analysis by Greg Reese was first published on GR on October 8, 2024. Greg Reese’s text and video below document the history of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) applied to Hurricanes as well as the issue of Lithium Production in West North Carolina Asheville.

Reese confirms that last year:

the Department of Defense entered a ninety-million-dollar agreement with Albemarle Corporation to increase domestic production of lithium for the nation’s battery supply chain. Specifically, from Kings Mountain, North Carolina starting by 2025″


In Part I we feature Greg Reese’s text and video. In Part II, we focus on the Tragic Aftermath of Hurricane Helene

Part I

How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium

by Greg Reese 

We have had the technology to create, control, and steer hurricanes for decades.

“Project Cirrus is the first Official attempt to modify a hurricane. It was run by General Electric with the support of the US military. The official theory was that by changing the temperature outside the eye-wall of a hurricane, which they did by seeding the clouds with various compounds such as silver iodide, a decrease in strong winds will result.

On October 13, 1947, Project Cirrus targeted a hurricane heading out to sea. Approximately 180 pounds of dry ice was dropped into the clouds. The crew then reported a “pronounced modification of the cloud deck”. And the hurricane abruptly changed direction and made landfall near Savannah, Georgia. The public blamed the government.

Irving Langmuir, who pioneered General Electric’s atmospheric research department, and admired that the project was about learning how to weaponize the weather, also claimed the reversal of the hurricane had been caused by the project, but the government denied it for twelve years.

After a short delay, the project officially continued. And in 1965, Project Stormfury had targeted Hurricane Betsy for seeding. On that day the storm immediately changed direction and made landfall in Southern Florida. Congress blamed it on Project Stormfury but the government claimed that the hurricane changed direction before they ever had a chance to seed it. And after two months of Congressional hearings, the project was allowed to continue.”

~ Reese Report “Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian”

Click here to watch the video

In 1997, U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen admitted we have the technology to control the weather, including earthquakes and volcanoes. The U.S. government has placed gag orders on employees of the national weather service.

In October of 2012, after Hurricane Sandy weakened to a tropical storm, microwave imagery shows a thick red beam immediately followed by Sandy growing into a category 1 hurricane and taking an unexplained “left Turn” into New Jersey.

The push towards alternative energy demands more lithium. And according to the U.S. Geological Survey, the United States has over 6 million tons of identified lithium resources. The majority of this lithium has been identified in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Kings Mountain is believed to have one of the largest resources in the world. But the biggest problem is that people live there. And they don’t want their quiet towns turned into lithium mines.

“People in Cherryville have been pushing against a proposed lithium mine for the last several years, but everyone we spoke with here said it’s too divisive of an issue to share their opinion on camera. Cherryville is a small, quiet town.”

~ Local news reporter

“I think it’s good that we keep it small.”
~ Anonymous resident

“So quiet, many don’t feel comfortable speaking out against Piedmont Lithium’s proposed mining operation nearby.”
~ Local news reporter

“I think we’re a silent majority. I think a lot of people are afraid to say anything about it because they are bringing a lot to the town as far as money.”
~ Anonymous resident

Last year, the Department of Defense entered a ninety-million-dollar agreement with Albemarle Corporation to increase domestic production of lithium for the nation’s battery supply chain. Specifically, from Kings Mountain, North Carolina starting by 2025.

This is the same area experiencing what is being described as biblical floods.

While the Federal government spends billions on foreign wars and illegal immigrants, they simply can not be bothered with the health and well-being of the American people. Especially those living on coveted mineral rich land.

Part II

West North Carolina’s Tragic Aftermath

by Michel Chossudovsky


Confirmed by independent and social media reports, the devastation in West North Carolina is beyond description.

Amply documented, there is abuse and neglect by FEMA. This is denied by the mainstream media and the governor of North Carolina who accuses social media reports as “mis-information”.

Jordan Chariton interviewed Amanda Campbell, a resident of Forest City, North Carolina—which is about an hour from Asheville— about the devastation she witnessed in Asheville as a result of Hurricane Helene.

Campbell also criticized inaction and lack of  support from FEMA in helping desperate Asheville residents who are trapped and/or desperately waiting for help.

Dead Bodies Piling Up. FEMA and the Federal government are not doing enough. They Left and Never Came Back. The people are Helping the People”

“Around us the damage is incredible. They are stranded, they are not getting help. There are so many dead bodies, I cannot describe how bad it is.

FEMA is there. They were there. But the did nothing. People are helping people.

They watch their neighbours die. There are people who are still trapped.”

1. Video: Abandoned. “Dead Bodies, FEMA is Not Doing Enough”

2. Video. Hurricane Helene’s North Carolina Impact

(provides additional reports) 

September 27, 2024

3. Click Here: See Hurricane Helena in Albemarla, North Carolina (many social media video reports)

4. North Carolina Governor’s Press Conference

Divisions are unfolding within the government of North Carolina. September 29, 2024. Press Conference.

“11 people in our state have died. We are desperate for help”.

The testimony of Amanda Campbell, two days prior the Press Conference dispels Governor Roy Cooper’s statements. The 11 dead according to NC Governor is misinformation.

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