Food Pantry Bans Whites. Left Happy as Long as “Everyone Drowns Equitably” in N.C.


by Selwyn Duke, The New American:

From each according to his skin color and, well, to each according to his skin color? That’s right,

Forget the old Marxist formula. Now, in our diversity-über-alles society, calls to equity from the morally bent have a racial bent. This would explain, too, a couple of recent stories.

The first is about a food pantry in Minneapolis that won’t serve white people. (Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ running mate and Minnesota governor, is going to get busy on this posthaste, right?)


The second concerns the disaster in western North Carolina. Some leftists are essentially saying that the deaths of the area’s rural whites and “MAGA voters” is karma. Meanwhile, critics suspect that federal disaster aid is lacking because of the Harris-Biden administration’s emphasis on FEMA “equity.”

Hungry Whites? Why, They Can Dine on Their Privilege!

White people never starve; they just melt away, could be the philosophy at the Food Trap Project Bodega. As The Post Millennial reports (hat tip: American Thinker):

A Minneapolis, Minn. food pantry is only giving food to “Black and Indigenous” people, those who are hungry and white are told not to take the “resources”’ available. Mykelo “Keiko” Jackson, who runs the food pantry, was awarded a Minnesota State grant to open the food pantry.

… In an Instagram post, Jackson justified the reason for prohibiting white people from using the food pantry. “Did you know?!” She wrote, “White neighborhoods have an average of four times as many supermarkets as predominantly Black communities. While this number may be a shock to some it very much reflects current conditions amongst many BIPOC [black indigenous, and people of color] neighborhoods who’ve been classified as a ‘food desert’.

… “America’s food system, like so many other systems, too often overlooks communities of color. The term ‘food apartheid’ encompasses the systematic lack of access to healthy foods and takes into account race, geography, and economics. This intersectional approach to understanding America’s food system attributes a lack of access to healthy food, which disproportionately affects communities of color, to our country’s history of systemic racism.”

Food Desert — or Truth Desert?

In reality, no one who grasps reality will find the dearth of supermarkets in inner-city black communities a “shock.” Not only do these areas’ high crime rates drive businesses away, but leftist policies exacerbate this problem. For example, shoplifting has exploded in Democratic jurisdictions where slap-on-the-wrist “justice” prevails and penalties for “minor theft” have been reduced. As for Minneapolis, the 2020 George Floyd riots caused hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage. And will every burned out business want to return to the cultural hellscape?

Of course, it’s understandable that Jackson would be upset about this. Instead, however, of indulging “structural racism” fictions, she ought to blame the man who, like Nero, fiddled while his city burned: Tim Walz.

Another point: Michelle Obama, who supports the Harris-Walz ticket, made a great stink years ago about food deserts. But here’s an idea: The Obamas have a combined net worth of $70 million. They also have friendships and influence with troves of outrageously wealthy people. So instead of complaining, why doesn’t she organize the creation of a supermarket chain that would serve inner-city areas? If there’s no good reason for grocers to exit these neighborhoods — if it’s all just racism — then she and her partners should be able to turn a profit while doing good.

Or would she rather have a political issue to demagogue than a problem solved?

Speaking of demagoguery brings us back to Jackson. When local chaplain Howard Dotson went to her food pantry and was, he says, denied entry, he confronted her. He also filed a complaint, which Jackson called, wait for it … a display of his “white privilege.” The kicker: She further claimed that he’d perpetrated “political violence.”

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