by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

“No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love, and desire to continue in, and make no effort to escape from.” – George Eliot

I might be mistaken, but I’ve been noticing behavior and observing economic and financial data which leads me to believe a shadow of doom enveloping the nation and the world is causing excessive risk taking behavior. I’m no psychologist, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. The examples of doom behavior are numerous.


On the way to the grocery store yesterday on a non-dangerous road where people drive 30 to 40 miles per hour, a car had just gone across the road and crashed into the concrete barrier head on. The entire car was destroyed. Either they were cut off by someone or tried to pass someone and lost control. Excessive speed and total recklessness on the part of at least one driver was a given. The number of angry drivers is surging. The traffic reports on the radio constantly reference multi-car accidents. A recent road rage incident included dudes wielding a machete.

I drive to and from work on the Northeast Extension and over the last several months I’ve witnessed extreme risk taking by numerous drivers. Going 80 mph on the 70 mph highway is far too slow for a particular demographic. Tailgating at 80 mph is now common. I frequently witness assholes weaving in and out of traffic at over 100 mph. I’ve seen multiple drivers cross two lanes of traffic at excessive speed, directly onto an off-ramp. These people appear to have death wish. I was cut off by a lunatic doing at least 40 mph while entering a 15 mph toll booth two weeks ago.

Nationally and in PA, traffic fatalities have been surging. My hypothesis that a fatalistic doom psychology has caused this reckless behavior may be true, or not. Being a committed conspiracy theorist who makes connections, I also wonder whether the covid jabs have created a brain fog or sudden rage that is also contributing to this recklessness. Maybe all the sheep who got the jabs finally realize the spike protein is a ticking time bomb and a premature death is in their future. Therefore, they have decided to live for today.

Doom spending has been another factually provable action that has been underway for the last year or so. We all know the Biden administration unleashed a tsunami of inflation through their idiotic spending based on the covid scam, fake infrastructure bills, and doling out hundreds of billions to the illegal invaders they ushered into the country, while shipping another $175 billion to Zelensky in their proxy war against Putin. Real wages for the average American have been falling for the last four years, as the cost of groceries, rent, homes, energy, insurance, and all everyday expenses have far out paced wage increases.

The non-Average Americans who constitute the 1%, or more accurately the .1%, have been doing great for the last four years, as the Federal Reserve kept rates at 0% for a ridiculously long time, driving stock prices to all-time highs. The “Haves” are doing great. The “Have Nots” are sinking further into poverty. And this has all been purposefully engineered by the ruling oligarchs. The reaction to this purposeful destruction of the finances of the majority of Americans, particularly among younger people, is what is being referred to now as doom spending.

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