DISTURBING: Helicopter With Pilots Wearing ‘Military Headgear’ Sabotages Hurricane Helene Recovery Supplies at NC Distribution Site – Cajun Navy Confirms (VIDEO)


by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

Volunteers in one tiny North Carolina town have revealed a disturbing incident that unfolded Sunday night as the region tries to recover from Hurricane Helene.

Videos have emerged on social media showing an unidentified helicopter with pilots wearing military-style headgear sabotaging direly needed supplies at a United Cajun Navy distribution site in Burnsville despite volunteers in a seemingly deliberate act of sabotage despite volunteers allegedly designating the area as a “no-fly, no drop” zone just hours before.

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TikTok user @megsnbacn claimed that the chopper flew in just after 7 p.m. while she was conducting a K9 Security round. She stated that the helicopter did not belong to any of them and was unmarked, which is illegal.

She also stated that 45 minutes before the aircraft arrived, two unidentified SUVs showed up, did a “slow roll” at the entrance of the parking lot, and fled the area. The SUVs, too, did not belong to the volunteers.

Here is how her complete allegation:

This evening at approximately 7:18 in Burnsville NC an unmarked helicopter flew in and attempted to destroy the distribution area that was set up by locals for locals while I was conducting a K9 Security Round. The majority of our security teams were off-site re-supplying helos at the DESIGNATED HL zone. THIS WAS NOT ONE OF OUR HELOS!

This was about 45 minutes after 2 unmarked black SUVS and a side-by-side did a slow roll at the entrance of our parking lot and left. Neither the SUVS nor the unmarked helo were any of our points of contacts.

Local LE did not know about them after they responded to the scene shortly after the helo left. It was UNMARKED and it is illegal to fly unmarked helicopters. But we know SF can and does and we know some private contractors do (not sure the legalities on that though)…. So who were they? Why were they here? Why were they masked up? I’ve done plenty of helo ops with Coast Guard helos, and I know a practiced rotor wash when I see it, and our pilots never masked up this way.


Here is another video:


The United Cajun Navy’s X confirmed the authenticity of the videos on their X account, deeming the destruction a deliberate hostile act.

We’ve officially found our first free swamp tour customer! So whoever the douche nozzle was that deliberately rotor washed the Burnsville POD, this was a hostile act that broke a $hitload of really good @FAANews laws!

You can clearly see our logo on the supplies! Good luck trying to remain anonymous, we’ll be in touch soon!

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