Democrat-Linked Foreign Network Pushed U.S. to Ignore Christian ‘Ethnic Cleansing’


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Donald Trump accused Kamala Harris of inaction as a network of Azerbaijani agents, with ties to Democrats, influenced U.S. policy during the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis.

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Former President Donald Trump has criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing her of failing to respond adequately to the plight of Christian Armenians during the crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh. Trump’s comments come amid revelations about the influence of Azerbaijani agents on key figures in the Biden-Harris administration, which some claim was aimed at tempering U.S. criticism of Azerbaijan’s actions in the region.


On September 19, 2023, Azerbaijan invaded the Nagorno-Karabakh region, a predominantly Armenian Christian enclave. The swift military campaign led nearly all 120,000 residents to flee for fear of persecution and violence. Following the offensive, Azerbaijan’s foreign influence network in the United States, including firms like BGR Government Affairs and the Friedlander Consulting Group, ramped up efforts to shape the narrative around the invasion. Records from the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) indicate a flurry of activity aimed at suppressing criticism of Azerbaijan’s actions.

While Azerbaijan currently retains six U.S. lobbying firms, BGR and Friedlander Consulting played central roles in coordinating Azerbaijan’s response to the negative fallout of the invasion. Documents reveal that these firms sent thousands of emails and arranged numerous meetings with U.S. lawmakers to advocate for Azerbaijani interests, aiming to counteract any pushback against the military actions in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Mark Tavlarides, a former Clinton administration official and key lobbyist for BGR, and Ezra Friedlander of Friedlander Consulting, both have deep connections to the Democratic Party. Tavlarides, who previously served in the Department of Defense and the White House National Security Council, has made significant political donations to Democratic committees, according to Senate filings. Friedlander, known for his role in Democratic politics in New York City, often reposts pro-Democratic messaging on social media.

The humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh has drawn sharp criticism from human rights advocates. “These men, women and children, terrified for their lives, left behind entire worlds: their schools and shops; their fields, flocks, and vineyards; the cemeteries of their ancestors,” wrote Harvard University professor Christina Maranci in an essay for Time. Maranci condemned the inaction of global powers, including the United States, which she said stood by as Azerbaijani forces denied Armenians vital resources like food and medicine.

In response to Azerbaijan’s military actions, Sen. Robert Menendez introduced a resolution calling for humanitarian aid and sanctions against Azerbaijani officials. However, Azerbaijani lobbyists moved swiftly to counter the bill. Just eight days after Menendez’s resolution was introduced, lobbyists sent emails to nearly every Senate office urging opposition, as shown in FARA records. Despite the push, the resolution ultimately stalled in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

During this period, Friedlander set up meetings between Azerbaijani officials and various congressional offices, including those of Sen. J.D. Vance and Sen. Chris Coons, who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Vance, in an October 2023 memo, raised concerns about Azerbaijan’s violation of a ceasefire agreement and the subsequent mass displacement of Armenians.

Lobbying efforts also included messaging aimed at downplaying Azerbaijan’s actions in the region. Friedlander’s firm, which receives $41,666 per month from the Azerbaijani government, facilitated meetings and communications designed to sway U.S. policymakers. In one instance, Friedlander stressed that Christians in Azerbaijan were allowed to celebrate Christmas, despite Azerbaijan’s poor religious freedom rating from Freedom House, which noted significant restrictions on faith groups.

Tavlarides, too, actively engaged with congressional offices to influence legislation like the Armenian Protection Act of 2023, which aimed to limit U.S. security aid to Azerbaijan. Although the act passed the Senate, it faced delays in the House amid continued lobbying efforts, according to Defense News.

The involvement of Azerbaijani lobbyists has raised concerns about foreign influence in shaping U.S. policy. Aram Hamparian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee of America, stressed the importance of American values in guiding foreign policy decisions. “Foreign governments don’t deserve a veto over U.S. human rights policy — a core American value,” Hamparian told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Azerbaijan, in particular, should not be allowed to enforce a gag-rule against American condemnation of its ethnic cleansing of at-risk Armenian Christians.”

As Azerbaijan continues to expand its lobbying efforts, it recently hired Skyline Capitol, led by former Rep. Chris Stewart, to advocate on its behalf for $50,000 per month, records show. The firm specializes in defense and foreign affairs, leveraging connections made in Congress to represent foreign clients, including those accused of severe human rights abuses.

Azerbaijan’s push to avoid registering certain lobbying activities under FARA has drawn scrutiny. A Politico report revealed that some lobbyists refused to represent Azerbaijan due to concerns about potential violations of federal law.

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