Declaration of Our Awakening


by Paul A. Philips, Activist Post:

This is where we are at.

The clueless willfully ignorant masses remain conditioned, distracted, more polarized than ever. Intensively disinformed, having a profound relationship with an illusory world they believe to be real…

Then, in their significant numbers, there’s the doomsdayers and naysayers, telling us unequivocally that we’re all screwed as we cannot do anything to prevent the pervasive parasitical globalists and their plans for a total New World Order takeover and control.


However, contrary to the above, there is a growing mass-consciousness; an ongoing underlying perception-altering paradigm shift that resonates with all things humanitarian…

In relation to this, here is an important message on behalf of those of us affected and what we have gleaned. Here is a “Declaration of Our Awakening” from we-the-people.

To Whom It May Concern:

We hereby declare that our awakening means we are no longer hopelessly entrapped victims. No longer asleep to the effects of the theatre of illusion playing out, with all its illusory coercive mind-controlling mechanisms.

We can step out of the related 5-sense fake reality programming that is trying to deceive and subjugate humankind. We are not affected because we see a bigger picture.

We have chosen to withdraw from the counterproductive groupthink mentality to become individuals able to think for ourselves and express our individuality.

Unlike the groupthink mentality who accuse those outside of the ‘norm’ of being crazy or or even dangerous, we applaud uniqueness. Our uniqueness leads us to having a wider perception and an expanded awareness of what’s possible.

We are the catalysts for world change.

Globalists, yes, you and your associates have effectively brought our human race down on its knees. We know that the dire plight of worldwide humanitarian suffering has been falsely and hypocritically blamed on the human populace by you and your associates who are the real culprits.

We are well aware of your engineered power-plays, deeply dark self-serving agendas, tied into secret societies, with their global controlling networks. Just about everything you do has made every subject under the sun a gross deception, counterproductive to we-the-people, based on your lies.

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