DANGEROUS NARRATIVE BEING SPUN: Two weeks before election, deep-state mouthpieces openly calling for civil war in America


by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

Democrat operative James Carville is the latest to say that, if Trump wins, Americans need to ‘take up arms’ against the government.

It is truly mind blowing how certain elements of our society are ramping up the vitriol ahead of this election. There is apparently nothing to which they won’t stoop in their drive to divide.

Democrat political operative James Carville, who reminds me of the male equivalent of Cruella Deville, says Democrats need to “take up arms” if Trump wins.

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Wait a minute, I thought it was the MAGA crowd who were the “election deniers” and the “insurrectionists,” no?

Despite this over-the-top rhetoric from a well-known individual on a major corporate media network, if you google “James Carville calls for armed uprising” you won’t find anything resembling that type of headline anywhere in the search results. So Carville’s incitement must have been geared specifically to the MSNBC crowd. Instead of inciting an uprising, all you will find in the Google or DuckDuckGo search results are headlines along the lines of “Carville warns journalists” that they could be arrested if Trump wins. The internet has become nothing but an engine of mind control.

As you watch the first 2:20 of the below video, ask yourself this:

Are the globalists laying a narrative for a post-election civil uprising, or is Carville just another idiot unable to control his mental illness that gets triggered by Trump? I’d love to hear your take in the comments section. Keep in mind Carville is not the only one who is now openly calling for civil war in America. He is not an outlier. I am well into the upper edges of middle age and I can never recall anything close to this level of hateful political rhetoric in America.

Note that the MSNBC anchor rails about Trump talking about locking up his opponents if he gets elected, while just yesterday Joe Biden said of Trump “We gotta lock him up!” Does anyone see a pattern here? Both sides live in echo chambers and don’t realize they’re each saying the exact same thing about the other.

After watching the first two or three minutes of the above video, many will ask, Why isn’t James Carville being arrested? Isn’t this clear incitement to violence?

I would answer them thusly: James Carville is a member of the one-party state’s official propaganda machine and made his comments on its official propaganda network, MSNBC. He is therefore exempt from any fear of prosecution. We have a two-tier justice system now in America, in case you haven’t noticed.

Also, do any of you find it ironic that high-level propagandists like James Carville are predicting Trump will imprison his political enemies if elected when their candidate, Kamala Harris, is second in charge of an administration that has already been doing that? They’ve locked up pro-lifers, even elderly frail women, for three to ten years. They’ve sent their federal SWAT teams from the ATF to shoot and kill law-abiding gun owners like Bryan Malinowski, who was murdered in a pre-dawn raid on his home right in front of his family in March of this year in Little Rock, Arkansas. They’ve locked up dozens of non-violent protesters who participated in the J6 fiasco.

This is also the same Biden-Harris administration that recently issued a Federal Directive that allows the U.S. military to be called in to shoot and kill Americans during a time of “civil disturbance” or other “emergency” situation. Do they know something we don’t about what’s getting ready to happen in America after November 5?

Read More @ leohohmann.substack.com