Cancer Deaths Are Still Soaring Among Covid-Vaxxed, CDC Data Shows


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that cancer cases and related deaths are continuing to soar among the Covid-vaccinated.

The latest figures reveal that cancers are still increasing in the fourth quarter of 2024 and show no signs of returning to normal levels.

The alarming surge in deadly cancers was revealed by The Ethical Skeptic after the information was found buried in CDC data.


The data shows that cancer cases and excess deaths remained steady in the years before the pandemic.

However, cancer deaths started surging in mid-2021, just a few months after Covid mRNA shots were rolled out for public use.

The CDC data shows that Excess Cancer Mortality in the United States stands at an average of 7.8% or 1,142 persons per week over the first three weeks of October.

More alarmingly, however, is the novel compound annualized growth rate (CAGR) of 2.3%

This is a significant departure from the old growth rate of 0.23%, normalized from the years 2014-2019 (dark orange line in the chart below).

This cancer inflection and novel growth rate are corroborated by both the Producer Price Index for growth in the Surgical Equipment Manufacturing Industry, as well as Google searches related to new cancer patients—both of which were inflected at Week 14 of 2021.

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