BIG GOVT, BIG PHARMA & MEDICAL MAFIA Conspire To Execute Innocent Man In Texas For Murder Via The Patently Fake Shaken Baby Syndrome


from State Of The Nation:

Everyone, please, we need to save this
innocent Texas man from execution
tomorrow by the tyrannical Big Govt,
Big Pharma and Medical Mafia!

SPECIAL NOTE: The following recent posts were just published by SOTN today in view of the great likelihood that a falsely accused man in Texas will be executed tomorrow after his contrived murder conviction for supposedly inflicting Shaken Baby Syndrome on his two-year-old daughter in 2002.


What’s the crucial point here?

One man’s great sacrifice, unless we can save him from capital punishment in one day, has the potential to blow this ongoing horrendous medical scam wide open, in either case.


Because his flagrant murder by the state of Texas represents such a miscarriage of justice that folks everywhere will see the grotesque legal travesty for what it truly is, THAT’S WHY!

And, then, perhaps people in all 50 states will understand that they, too, can be falsely charged with such an absurd concocted crime and be incarcerated for life after their baby dies from being jabbed 5 times with different vaccines that killed the newborn.

Please, sent this exposé out everywhere—POST-HASTE!!!  Thank You.

KEY POINT: The following excerpt was taken from the Wikipedia bio of the falsely convicted Robert Roberson.  The aforementioned murderous trio quite purposefully selected a man with a record to prosecute, convict and sentence knowing that public sentiment could be ginned up against him.  The same perfidious perps knew they needed a slam dunk to set a strong precedent in order to secure future false convictions to keep their genocidal Super Vaccination Agenda going into perpetuity.

“Robert Leslie Roberson III was born on November 10, 1966, in Wood County, Texas. Official records showed that between 1991 and 1999, Roberson was convicted of burglary, theft and parole violations; he was released from prison in 2000.”

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