Biden-Harris Extend ‘Quiet Amnesty’ to Another Million Illegals


from The National Pulse:

A recent report from the House Judiciary Committee reveals that nearly one million illegal immigrants may remain in the United States indefinitely, with their cases dismissed or closed due to administrative measures by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). Released Thursday, the report indicates that administrative actions during the Biden-Harris government have resulted in many cases being terminated without deportation proceedings.

The report, based on information given to the committee, indicates that over 700,000 cases have been dismissed or closed in immigration court under the current government. The DOJ’s Executive Office for Immigration Review reported over 109,000 cases were completed in Fiscal Year 2023 without a decision on the merits. Additionally, the DHS did not file necessary documentation for around 200,000 cases, allowing many individuals to remain indefinitely in the country.


In response to the substantial backlog of cases facing approximately 700 immigration judges nationwide, a 2022 DHS memo directed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) attorneys to prioritize case closures and dismissals for non-security threats. Concurrently, a 2021 memo from Biden-Harris Attorney General Merrick Garland reinstated the use of administrative closure, focusing on high-priority cases. The House committee has criticized the measures, as they can result in some migrants living in the U.S. on an ongoing basis but uncertain about their legal status.

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