Before New Zealand’s covid vaccine rollout, 2,000 people attended A&E for chest pains in a year – now it is more than 30,000


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

A response to a freedom of information request, which in New Zealand is called an Official Information Act (“OIA”) request, showing chest pain and cardiac incidences in younger people has brought mixed responses from New Zealanders, most displaying an underlying sense of incredulity.

“Making sense of the scale of the disaster is hard,” Dr. Guy Hatchard says.  But “the OIA data for chest pain and cardiac events is not an isolated statistic.”


A follow-up survey of New Zealanders who had been diagnosed with mRNA vaccine-induced myopericarditis was conducted by Health New Zealand and, after delaying publishing the survey results for two years, the results were published this month.

The lack of information has had the effect of myopericarditis being greatly underdiagnosed or a diagnosis and clinical response delayed, even in some cases for years. Yet, this information deficit continues to this day.

“Well over 30,000 people [ ] will report to Accident and Emergency with chest pains this year, compared to just 2,000 pre-pandemic,” Dr. Hatchard says.

Medsafe Report Underlines the Ongoing Myocarditis Crisis

By Dr. Guy Hatchard, 27 September 2024

The extraordinary New Zealand data on chest pain and cardiac incidence among the under-forties, which has increased tenfold and remains high right up to the present, has provoked many questions and comments in our email inbox. Ranging from, “How could the authorities let this happen” to the ridiculous, “The OIA doesn’t exist” and everything in between. Making sense of the scale of the disaster is hard, and facing up to the failure and duplicity of those charged with protecting our health is even more perplexing.

The OIA data for chest pain and cardiac events is not an isolated statistic. Medsafe has just released the results of a follow-up survey of 298 New Zealand patients who received a clinical diagnosis of mRNA vaccine-induced myopericarditis at least 90 days prior to filling in the survey. This survey was conducted two years ago. Inexplicably, Medsafe has waited until now to release the results. Contrary to earlier advice given to people experiencing symptoms of myocarditis that the final outcome would be mild and self-limiting, the survey revealed persistent serious problems beyond 90 days which had not been resolved.

Representative survey responses to a range of open-ended questions about work, family life, treatment, follow-up, etc included the following:

The ‘Key Learnings’ section of the report admits there were deficiencies in:

  • The vaccine information given to the public.
  • Reporting systems for adverse reactions.
  • Knowledge about possible adverse reactions.
  • Keeping up to date with the implications of clinical publishing.

The net effect was to create a deficient clinical and informational response to the tens of thousands of people reporting to GPs and emergency departments with chest pain. As a result, myopericarditis has been greatly underdiagnosed or a diagnosis and clinical response have been delayed, even in some cases for years.

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