Austrian Court Case Reveals More Evidence of Biden, Democrat Corruption in Ukraine


from 21st Century Wire:

One of the most viewed clips from Donald Trump’s recent interview with Elon Musk was the words that President Joe Biden deliberately used Ukraine to push the world towards World War III. At this point, one cannot discount the possibility that the current occupants of the White House could initiate some global catastrophe event in order to divert attention from its many corrupt activities. In fact, the President is facing yet another obstacle in September in Los Angeles, where a court will resume the federal case regarding his son Hunter Biden’s non-payment of taxes, where he could receive up to 17 years in prison if found guilty on all nine charges including three felonies, and six misdemeanors. This will almost certainly have a negative impact on the Democrats’ presidential campaign. On top of that, following the elections in November, Joe Biden himself will not only lose his presidential position, but may also become the subject of numerous anti-corruption investigations. Will they try to divert attention to another major crisis, to save the Biden clan’s legacy?


Moreover, explosive new material shedding light on Biden family corruption in Ukraine has emerged which could shake Washington at its foundations, and in crease the likelihood that Biden will eventually face criminal charges. For this to have any impact though, it may require two things to happen: a GOP victory in November, and the subsequent political will to follow through with a major investigation into the issue.

21st Century Wire 

New revelations of U.S. government corruption are in fact featured in the text of an Austrian court ruling – including the testimony of top Ukrainian officials including Deputy Prime Minister, Prosecutor General and head of the Security Service of Ukraine – each vignette describing how an organized conspiracy lead by Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland and other senior Democrat officials, executed a coup d’état in Ukraine, and proceeded to directly interfere in the affairs of a sovereign state by placing their own people in key positions, as well as blackmailing Ukrainian authorities to remove all ‘undesirable’ members from the Ukrainian government. The new U.S. shadow government in Ukraine had effectively taken over the management of key branches including law enforcement and judicial bodies in Kiev in order to prosecute and push-out out of the country those businessmen and politicians who could prevent it from exerting external control over the country’s political and economic processes. A separate aspect of this interference was the Biden family’s personal earnings from “influence peddling” in Ukraine and blocking any attempts to investigate these crimes by the local justice system.

This past summer, the world witnessed Joe Biden going into cognitive meltdown during a globally televised presidential debate. It was nothing short of a national embarrassment as the President, who was already haemorrhaging support, became visibly confused and was unable to respond to even basic questions. The subsequent cover-up of his mental decline also demonstrated how the Democratic establishment were desperate to prop-up the incumbent heading into November. This brings us back to the fundamental question: why the enormous effort to keep Biden in power? As with the 2020 race, Biden and the party operatives were still motivated to try and reoccupy the White House January, in order to continue the cover-up of what is now a well-documented stockpile of evidence showing U.S. government corruption relating to Ukraine. This has become an imperative of the deep state, haunted by the fear a possible Republican victory which could trigger a broad investigation into the Biden and Democrat corruption in that country, as well as the role of numerous other top U.S. officials in taking over the organs of state power in Kiev.

Throughout the Ukrainian media and pro-Democrat outlets in the United States, you will rarely see any stories mention Joe Biden’s influence on Ukrainian politics, his influence on Ukrainian courts and prosecutors, and his and Washington’s ‘external management’ the Ukrainian state affairs. While these topics have long been taboo in both Ukraine and the U.S., the disturbing details of Biden and the Democrats’ corrupt activities have actually been made public in a court from a country whose judicial system still has an impeccable reputation – Austria. Here the accusations against Biden were not just voiced in testimony – they were actually accepted by the court as evidence, and it was on that basis that the Austrian court rendered have its decision contesting the extradition of a prominent Ukrainian businessman.

Just this week, the U.S. government has been forced to admit that the former VP’s son Hunter Biden did in fact lobby Washington writing to then US ambassador to Rome, John Phillips, in 2016 asking for help in securing an energy contract in Italy for Ukrainian firm Burmisa Holdings. The damning disclosure was made following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request via the New York Times and it confirms how the Bidens used their political clout in aid of their various business activities. This is far from an isolated incident, but it serves as yet another solid point of evidence outlining the systematic corruption which has been orchestrated between Washington and Kiev.

Amid recent legal proceedings in Vienna, the contents of these unique documents testifying to Biden’s involvement in the establishment of external governance over Ukraine became known. Among them are the full texts of the Austrian court decisions and the texts of the testimonies of top Ukrainian officials. The implications of these testimonies are serious.

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