Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Are Americans waking up from their wokeness slumber?


by IQ al-Rassooli, America Outloud:

Since Obama’s presidency, while watching Americans tearing each other politically, socially, legally, ethnically, and racially due to the deliberate divisive and illegal methodologies conducted by all members of the new Fascistic Democrat party to stay in power ⏤ starting with the despicable Barack Hussein Obama ⏤ as the outsider looking in, I was truly losing hope that America will survive as a vibrant Republic by 2028.

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Fortunately, my fears are now looking much less shocking because at the very point of America falling into the abyss ⏤ there are clear and encouraging signs that millions of Americans, young and old, black, Hispanic, Asian, and white, have come to the realization that ‘wokeness’ is utterly destroying the Republic and with it any bright future for themselves and their future generations.

As Abraham Lincoln wisely observed, “One can fool some of the people all the time, most of the people some of the time, but not all the people ALL the time.”

It seems that “We the People” are now at the last stage because no matter how the corrupt media, as stooges of the Democrat party, attempt to deflect by gaslighting the American people from reality – while most Americans are trying to make ends meet between feeding and heating their family is becoming intolerably difficult – are not falling for their mendacities.

The bottom line is that when clear-thinking, intelligent people are going to vote, the mantra ringing in their ears should be, “It is the economy, stupid.”

As we have repeatedly pointed out here at America Out Loud, in numerous articles and podcasts over the last four years, Open Borders allowing tens of millions of undocumented illegal invaders will cost the US economy trillions of dollars that will be paid for by the already burdened American taxpayers. Furthermore, printing hundreds of billions of dollars will add even more to the deficit and increase inflation, thus costing Americans even more. One does not have to be an economic genius to comprehend how catastrophic the Harris-Biden administration is to the well-being of the Republic. Our predictions have been spot-on precisely because we addressed them based on pure logic and not wishful thinking.

Excluding what the corrupt media polls tell us – by getting our information from the alternative unbiased media that is definitely hemorrhaging more and more millions of customers from the fake legacy media – the picture for the future is definitely rosier. More significant numbers of young male and female black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans – even from those who used to vote Democrat and especially among undecideds, are gravitating to Trump’s vision of their future. Millions are not denying that during Trump’s administration, Americans, in general, were more prosperous and secure, internally and externally, than now.

While Trump has been more successful – frank with no-holds-barred interviews than any contender in recent memory – Kamala Harris had at first attempted to hide from any interviews, hoping to do a repeat performance of Biden’s basement hideout of 2020.

She has found out very lately that her method is very counterproductive. All of a sudden, her clueless handlers have tried to book more interviews with her, especially with hosts who are friendly. Still, she screwed up in every single one of them, even though her questioning was softball interviews.

It is unbelievable how warped her thought processes and those of her handlers are; after all, she herself admitted publicly that she could not find any of the devastating decisions – Bidenomics, Afghanistan, open borders, illegals, inflation, etc. – she made with Biden that needs revising, meaning she concurs with all of them – yet she expects Americans should vote her as president by ignoring all the consequences of the last four years of her administration – but based only because she is black and a female. Only complete nutjobs would elect her for four more years of the same garbage.

Her latest interview with Bret Baier, who — at last, among so many rotten interviewers — acted as a true reporter by pushing Kamala hard with no quarters given about open borders, illegal immigrants, inflation, and foreign policies, failed miserably on all of them — not because of the asinine excuse that she was unprepared — but simply because it is impossible for anyone else in her party to defend the indefensible.

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