Abp. Viganò: Bergoglio’s politically correct ‘sins’ are another step toward a globalist religion


    by Abp. Viganò, LifeSite News:

    (LifeSiteNews) — Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has strongly criticized Francis for the penitential service he held on the eve of this year’s Synod on Synodality, saying the bizarre ceremony that included the public confession of a number of “politically correct” and loosely defined sins was another step toward a “globalist religion.”

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    “Unwilling to ask forgiveness for the real sins against God and neighbor – which the followers of the Bergoglian sect casually commit – the Synod on Synodality invents new ones against the Earth, immigrants, the poor, women, the marginalized,” Viganò wrote Wednesday on X. “A new pauperist and politically correct decalogue.”

    “Here then, ‘on behalf of the faithful’ to whom Bergoglio appends faults that they did not even know existed, we discover the sin of those who have ‘turned their heads away from the sacrament of the poor (sic), preferring to adorn ourselves and the altar with culpable adornments that take bread away from the hungry,’” Viganò continued.

    “These words are reminiscent of the objections of Judas – the ‘mercator pessimus’ so much appreciated by Bergoglio – when Mary of Magdala broke the precious jar of aromas to anoint Our Lord’s feet: ‘Why was not this perfumed oil sold for three hundred denarii and then given to the poor?’ (Jn 12:5). And we ourselves, with the Evangelist, could comment today: ‘This he said, not because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and as he kept the chest, he took what they put in it’ (Jn 12:6),” he added.

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