A Radical Plan To Save America’s Economy In One Year


by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

Alternative economists have been predicting a long list of instabilities in the US economy and for some time. We’ve been proven right in the last few years on most of those predictions and, as usual, corporate media economists are now scrambling to pretend as if they “saw the danger coming” all along. They now suddenly have their own ideas on how to fix the very problems they used to call “conspiracy theory.” The vital question is, who do you trust?

You can’t trust someone to offer you a valid solution if they’re too dense to understand the source of the crisis. You also can’t trust someone to give you valid solutions on the economy if their job is to lie to you about how great things are.

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The alternative media’s accuracy about our nation’s dire circumstances has put us in a position to be right which should at least win us some trust points, but being right is only the first step. There will always be government shills that seek to undermine truth-tellers by claiming we serve no purpose because we aren’t actively fixing the problems that they warn about.

Frankly, that’s not our job. However, it’s true that our movement has a tendency to focus on diagnosis of a problem rather than prevention or treatment.

There are a few reasons why this is the case. I’ve noticed that whenever I write about solutions I get far less article traffic. Is it because people just don’t care? Or, is it because solutions are hard and require vast coordination of people and resources to ever be possible?

National solutions require millions of Americans get off their couches, go outside, and take extensive risks. This is why human beings in general tend to adapt to the worst conditions until things are so bad society snaps. We wait until we can’t stand it any longer, and then finally, we take action.

Another road block is that liberty movements are made up of people who all have their own ideas on what should be done. Most of us agree on the causes of the chaos, very few of us agree on what exactly to do about them. It’s funny because black-pill critics often accuse conservatives and patriots of falling into the echo chamber trap. The reality is quite the opposite; we can’t seem to ever shake hands on anything and it’s holding us back.

The thing is, time is running out and debate is a luxury. I believe Americans today are close to the breaking point economically with stagflation continuing to crush the middle class and those already in poverty. The future is bleak; housing costs have spiked to levels beyond what the vast majority of people can afford. All necessities including food and utilities have seen a 30%-50% minimal price increase since 2020, and inflation continues to rise.

Wages are stagnant and profit margins for employers are shrinking, which means the jobs market will be next to see cuts. By the end of 2025 and under current policies, I suspect we will be witnessing a combination of serious deflationary and inflationary crisis events simultaneously. A crash in employment and GDP combined with incessant price jumps on goods and services.  This crash has been decades in the making and might be unavoidable. That said, I do believe there is a way out, but it requires dramatic changes in the way our government and society operates.

The policy measures I suggest are a kind of fiscal time machine – A way to turn back the clock on collapse. Some might consider them “radical” but they are only policies that America USED TO value and that we have been pressured to forget. Can the modern American brain with its steady exposure to big government and socialist programs handle such a shift? It’s hard to say.

I think if people are desperate enough they’ll accept any solution that they feel works. And for now the elites that created the crisis are the only group offering a way out (a false way out). If I could snap my fingers (or if I was king for year), this is the list of actions I would undertake to save the American economy before the end of 2025 (or at least set it on the the path to resurrection).

End Income Tax For The 99%

My very first step would be to end income taxes for individuals and small business owners outside of the top 1% of earners (those who make more than $800,000 per year). The permanent income tax was never supposed to exist. It started in 1913 as a tiny 1% rate on net personal incomes over $3,000, and a 6% surtax on incomes over $500,000 (the super rich at that time).

In the past century it has ballooned into a 15%-20% monstrosity that is crushing middle class buying power. It also feeds bigger government which wastes money and leads to less and less freedom. There is no reason for the tax to exist for average citizens other than to act as a slave tribute to the Federal Reserve Bank. Shutting it down would immediately alleviate financial pressures on middle class families and getting rid of the IRS would certainly help shrink government spending.

How would the government pay for services and national security? Well, right now they print most of that money from thin air anyway, but tariffs on foreign trade used to be the main source of income for the federal government. Why not go back to that model? Because some biased Keynesian economists claim it can’t work? It already has worked.

End Property Taxes On Single Family Homes

Property taxes are supposed to act as a fiscal buffer for local infrastructure and services. They are also meant to dissuade major buyers from hoarding homes and cornering regional markets. The problem is, the taxes are doing the opposite of that. With high property taxes most US families can’t afford to own even one home, while corporate buyers snatch up distressed mortgages and drive up rents.

This scenarios is going to create mass homelessness, mark my words. It’s already starting in some areas of the country. Inflation in housing is bad enough but the high interest rates on mortgages and the high property taxes on top of that is enough to break most middle class buyers.

Fixing rates and inflation is complicated, but property taxes could be ended tomorrow. By extension, high property taxes on corporate buyers like Blackstone might force them to release some of their holdings back onto the market and help lessen the ongoing housing shortage.

How else can communities pay for local infrastructure and services?  A fair sales tax should be more than sufficient to fill the gap, or, a tourism tax.

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