Whites Denied Food for the Poor


from Moonbattery:

Where Marxists seize power, there is mass starvation. That’s how Mao and Stalin managed to achieve such staggering body counts. If Marxists like Kamala Harris consolidate control of the USA, the hunger they inflict will be different in only one respect; it will be race-based:

The boss of a Minneapolis food pantry, funded by city taxpayers, has banned white people from taking advantage of the resource.

Mykela ‘Keiko’ Jackson used a Minnesota State grant to launch the Food Trap Project Bodega designed to help poor and hungry residents living close to the Sanctuary Covenant Church in the north of the city.

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Caucasians deserve to go hungry because they are privileged, per our official state religion.

A sign … on the door to the pantry reads how the food inside was specifically for ‘Black and Indigenous Folx’ only. After a civil rights complaint was made against the pantry by a local, Mykela accused the complainant of ‘political violence.’

“Violence” is Liberalese for “opposition.” Opposition must be hammered out of existence, as John Kerry would put it.

Mykela proclaims that poor whites feeling “entitled” not to be denied food on the basis of their race proves that “white privilege is real.”

For the sake of fairness, let’s have Mykela present her side of the story:

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