What If 9-11 Happened Today?


by Allan J. Feifer, American Thinker:

We’re a different America than we were in 2001; seems we’re no longer the same country or people.

Millions of us are emotionally broken, divided, and led by a post-patriotic administration featuring “joy” over substance and a relentless drive toward neo-Marxism.  The millions who want a return to conservative sanity are stymied by a wall of disinformation erected by progressives and the media.

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The terrorist acts of 9-11 were a seminal moment that brought us together in a way and manner we hadn’t experienced in a generation, and after a few years of “U.S.A., U.S.A.” screaming at the top of our lungs, that, too, faded.

Try to remember what it was like in the immediate aftermath of that day.  Everyone knew where they were when they first heard about it; everything stopped as the enormity of what happened became apparent.  Amid our shock and revulsion, we coalesced around President Bush and the uncertainty of what was coming next.  It was a country’s mood when we collectively comprehended that war had arrived on our shores, even if we didn’t know precisely who.

While we didn’t know the particulars, we assumed and found out correctly later that they were the usual suspects.  We were immediately clued in as we watched images of Muslims dancing in the streets and praising Allah in several American cities and elsewhere.  I saw it; try to find any mention of it today in the mainstream media and on social media after progressives quietly scrubbed this vital understanding of history deemed too prejudicial for us to be allowed to view it.

Some of you have seen these images.  It is the clearest evidence I’ve experienced that we can no longer trust our government to tell us the truth.  Who are these people who take it upon themselves to decide what is true and what’s not, what we will be allowed to know, and what will be withheld from Americans?

The year 2001 was only 23 years ago, but for all intents, it was a hundred years ago; ancient history for most of us, with more than a third of us not even born yet.  No wonder the deniers are so effective at creating alternate histories of events that fly in the face of truth.  The horror of what happened should be taught in our schools constantly so we never forget or are allowed to let others spread lies about it.

Even with our less-than-perfect history, a significant majority of Americans trusted their leaders back then.  President Clinton, the last old-school Democrat who was responsible for profound change, could not prepare us for Barack Obama, who came into power with the idea of blowing it all up and starting over.  Children were still children and not yet the political pawns that they are today.  We were locking up people who mutilated children instead of extolling their visionary ideas for the betterment of society.  When push came to shove, most of us were still Americans who patriotically served in our military and sang “God Bless America” until, seemingly out of nowhere, they didn’t.

Imagine for a moment that this Sept. 11 was the day Osama bin Laden attacked, and not in 2001.

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