WATCH: Man Expertly Humiliates Alleged FBI Agents and Sends Them Fleeing After They Show Up at His House to Confront Him Over a Social Media Post


by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

There has never been a more critical time in America for citizens to understand and exercise their Constitutional rights. One man in New Hampshire proved this knowledge is invaluable after the Biden-Harris regime apparently attempted to turn him into a criminal.

Jeremy Kauffman, an entrepreneur and Libertarian political activist, was visited at his home Monday by two men claiming to be FBI agents regarding an unspecified X post he made. When he asks them who they are, the bald person claims he’s “Donald from the FBI in New Hampshire,” which understandably does not satisfy Kauffman, who wants full identification.


The bald man then demands Kauffman stop recording the encounter, which Kauffman refuses to do, citing his 1st Amendment right. He then asks the younger-looking and full-haired person for his name. He declines while also asking Kauffman to stop recording, which Kauffman again refuses.

Kauffman next lays down an ultimatum: Either show me your name and ID or walk away. The full-haired alleged agent sheepishly says they want to talk to him while the bald man attempts to pass off his supposed badge as identification.

After the bald guy finally states the purpose of their visit, which is to speak to Kauffman about a post he made online, Kauffman turns the tables on them and embarrasses them further.

I want to talk to you about you guys coming here. Say you make a salary of low 100K, factoring in 50% expenses…You’re talking about burning a couple of hundred dollars here, let alone all the time you guys are spending to investigate something you know is not against the law.”

When the bald guy claims they were coming to ensure there weren’t any threats, Kauffman again responded with fire:

No, you’re coming because you’re part of a regime that does this kind of thing when you know laws aren’t being broken. And that’s an embarrassment, man!”

“Didn’t you guys read the Constitution? Do you not believe in America? How do you do your jobs and go home?”

Unable to respond to these pointed questions, the supposed agents turn and begin to walk away, but Kauffman gets in his final words to them:

“You guys are f**kheads who try to act like bullies, and I hope you go home and are embarrassed. You cannot even say your name on camera because you know what you are doing is embarrassing! You know, Americans who believe in the Constitution think you are laughable.”

The bald man and his partner finally vacate the scene and drive off.


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