VIDEO SERIES: ‘Why Are These Israelis Dancing?’ (2024)


from 21st Century Wire:

Brasscheck TV says…

It’s getting harder and harder to find the pieces of the puzzle as Google/YouTube either buries results way down the search results listings or censors the info completely. Lots of much-suppressed info here woven together in a way you’ve never seen before. Yes, there are connections between his story, 9/11, Iran Contra, the Iraq War, Jefferey Epstein, the Surveillance State, and current horrific events in the Middle East.

NOTE: If you’ve seen the recent Netflix documentary on the investigative reporter Danny Casolaro who was murdered for getting too close to some government truths, we go into ESSENTIAL details the producers left out, either through ignorance or calculation.


Watch this informative and impactful independently produced 3-part video series by Brasscheck TV“Why Are These Israelis Dancing: How Iran-Contra, 9-11, The Iraq War, The Surveillance State, and The Gaza Genocide Are All Connected.”



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