There’s Something Fishy About the Polio Vaxx Campaign in Gaza


by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

For nearly a year, we’ve seen Israel systematically obliterate the critical infrastructure that makes human survival possible. Now we are expected to believe that Israel has suspended its Palestinian extermination plan so it can vaccinate the children of Gaza against a crippling disease (polio). We do not believe that Israel is trying to save the people it has been trying to kill for the last 11 months. We think the mass-vaccination campaign is part of a broader Israeli plan to eradicate the native population.

The emergency authorization use of the novel oral polio vaccine (nOPV2) that has been given to over 500,000 children in Gaza very likely constitutes the type of mass medical experimentation banned under the Nuremberg Code.


Keep in mind, the Israeli Defense Forces have destroyed clean water resources and critical water infrastructure across Gaza with the clear intention of creating a filthy, sewage-infested breeding ground for a myriad of lethal diseases that help to advance the ethnic cleansing agenda. All of these destructive activities fit within the broader pattern of deliberate attacks on the civilian population aimed at eradicating a particular group, the Palestinians. We see no significant difference between the killing of humanitarian aid workers, the wanton destruction of private property, the intentional blocking of food and medicine, the deliberate shooting of children, the sodomizing of detainees, and the relentless outpouring of genocidal threats directed at the Palestinians than we do with the polio vaccine campaign which likely fits within the same paradigm. This is from an article by Sam Husseini at Substack:

“Due to Israel cutting off some of the supply of water and destroying key water infrastructure and storage tanks, people are being forced to drink water from unsafe sources. Dehydration and waterborne diseases are spreading and medicine is running out. There are outbreaks of chickenpox, scabies and diarrhea due to the shortage of water.”…

“For months, Israeli forces have been targeting vital water resources in the strip leading to starvation and, according to new reports, worsening access to clean water. Last week, the Israeli military and the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that Poliovirus has been found in Gaza’s sewage, further intensifying the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the occupied enclave.”

The Daily Mail in August reported on Israelis who had been held captive in Gaza: “Blood tests also showed they had been exposed to a range of diseases, including typhus and spotted fever, during their 50 days in captivity. Many of them were also experiencing head lice due to poor hygiene conditions, including a lack of running water.” Israel Wanted Disease and Genocide in Gaza, So Why Is It Agreeing to the Polio Vaccine Being Given?, Husseini, Substack

Explain to me why Israel would deliberately destroy critical water resources if it was not part of a plan to spread infection and disease across Gaza? Explain why Israel would intentionally prevent access to clean water if the goal was not to either kill or sicken the population?

Can you see the problem? It is impossible to detect a benign motive for Israel’s behavior. These actions have only one objective in mind: The extermination of the population. What other motive could there be? Here’s more from Husseini:

Israel is virtually alone among industrialized countries in not signing the Biological Weapons Convention. Professor Francis Boyle drafted the U.S. Domestic Implementing Legislation for the BWC, the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989 that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush with the approval of the U.S. Department of Justice . He said the emergency authorization provisions “trigger the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation [PDF] requiring that each recipient or their legal guardians be given informed and voluntary consent.. It does not appear that this is being done in Gaza. … They are giving the live polio virus to Gaza kids whose immune systems have been severely compromised already since October 8.” He warns you could have an “entire next generation of Palestinian Children in Gaza wracked and disabled by polio. … This implicitly raises and supports the question whether Israel is engaging in biological warfare against the Palestinians here by means of using the live polio virus.” Israel Wanted Disease and Genocide in Gaza, So Why Is It Agreeing to the Polio Vaccine Being Given?, Husseini, Substack

I interpret Professor Boyle’s comments to mean that the novel oral polio vaccine (nOPV2) that is being used in Gaza has not been formally approved by the regulatory agencies mainly due to insufficient testing. If the testing has been inadequate, then it follows that the regulators have not confirmed that the vaccine is safe and efficient. That is the downside of the “emergency authorization provisions.” Boyle implies that –if the vaccine has not been properly tested– then the people need to be thoroughly informed in order to agree to the procedure. If the Palestinians were not informed, then they are in effect participants in a giant lab experiment in which their children are being used as guinea pigs (which is a violation of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation.)

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