There are about one million “targeted individuals” worldwide


    by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

    Two whistle-blowers discuss how people are being targeted to test the “Internet of Living Things” on our brains, which they plan to eventually roll out on a mass scale to control us.

    Targeted individuals are a group of people who believe they are being subjected to various forms of harassment, surveillance and manipulation by government agencies, corporations or other entities. They claim to experience a range of symptoms including electronic harassment, gang stalking, mind control or manipulation and physical harm or illness.

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    You can find a collection of various resources relating to targeted individuals on the Gang Stalking, Mind Control and Cults website HERE. Another website collecting and documenting information is ‘Targeted Individuals Data & Documents’, see HERE.  And you can read an overview of the phenomenon HERE, a PDF copy of which we have included below.

    After being requested to do so by her viewers, Odessa Orlewicz has been researching “targeted individuals.”  The result is that she has compiled a one-and-three-quarter-hour video from about four hours of footage of two whistle-blowers: former security consultant Bryan Kofron and former CIA and DARPA engineer Dr. Robert Duncan.

    Dr. Duncan authored the book ‘How to Tame a Demon: A short practical guide to organised intimidation stalking, electronic torture, and mind control’.  “He was in charge of designing a lot of this tech for wartime [to be used] against adversaries when they want to get information from them etc,” Orlewicz explained.

    Dr. Duncan believes there are currently about one million targeted individuals worldwide.  These people are being used as guinea pigs to work out what needs to be done to hook everybody up to the internet. “[They] are testing on [targeted individuals’] brains this new technology, which they do from far away,” Orlewicz said.

    They’re not denying that this technology exists, Orlewicz said.  “But what they’re not telling anyone is that right now they are testing out this technology on individuals around the world, and in America, and not letting them know that they’re targeted individuals.  And so, what’s happening in their brains and their minds, and these weird instructions that they’re hearing and voices, are actually coming from the CIA.”

    She invites us to watch the video and then make up our minds. However, Orlewicz warns that it’s not advisable viewing for people who suffer from schizophrenia as it may encourage them to make incorrect assumptions about their condition.

    Liberty Talk Canada: CIA/DARPA Whistle-Blower Admits They Target Individuals to Test the Internet of Things on Brains, 27 August 2024 (104 mins)

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