The True Threat To Democracy Is Democrats, All Of Them


by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

Democrats love to call Donald Trump a “threat to democracy.” Ask one what they think of the former President and they’ll belch it out. Ask what time it is and there’s least and 80 percent chance they’ll tell you it’s “Threat to democracy o’clock.” I’d say it’s Pavlovian, but that would be an insult to dogs that were trained to behave a certain way by comparing them people who simply obey for its own sake. The reality is, however, that the true threat to democracy – and your life and liberty – is Democrats, all of them.


As of this writing, Democrats have inspired two assassination attempts against Donald Trump. Two. Those are just the ones we know about. How many more Rachel Maddow sycophants have gotten to step 5 of 10, or 7 or 10, only to wake up to the reality of what they were planning and stop? We will never know. How many more were spooked by a friend, neighbor or co-worker who either asked what they were doing or called police to report something suspicious? That’s another number we can’t know.

But we can know the number is more than zero. If they got two people to go through with it, there’s no way they haven’t had others walk away in the planning process.

That’s what you get when you tell natural born followers and conformists that your opponent is Hitler reincarnated. People so eager for obedience and acceptance will always crave more of it, and there is no way to get more of it than taking out the threat, right?

Two people have already tried, and Democrats aren’t close to done. Honestly, given the choice between defending the record of Democrats over the last four years – the economy, the open border and crime, the drugs, that child genital mutilation – inspiring assassination with panicked, absurd rhetoric is easier.

But you’d think they’d try to distance themselves from it a little. Nope.

After the first assassination attempt, Democrats did suspend the presidential campaign…for about three days. No fundraising emails, no commercials, nothing. Then they came roaring back like nothing ever happened. Inside of a weak, Trump was Hitler again and the Constitution was under threat yet again.

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