The Revolution Comes For Those Who Can’t Believe It. It Always Does.


by Uncola, The Burning Platform:

The title of this post was found on page 88 of “Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions” by authors Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec.  Published this year, I discovered the book to be concisely written and well-sourced.

The volume succinctly summarizes leftist rebellions against civilized societies throughout history as well as the commonalities found in each conflict. In the book, an upheaval in ancient Rome and The French Revolution are described as “proto-communist”, obviously, because these revolutions predated the writings of Karl Marx.  However, the designation is a good reminder of how Marxism is, in fact, a mere reiteration of age-old rebellions; of envious greed and nihilistic savagery rising against civilized society in a continually cyclical attempt to permanently subvert natural law.


To be sure, it is far easier to steal and destroy than it is to create and produce; and cause and effect has rippled down through history, like gravity, over and again.

Without stealing any thunder from the book, a commonality identified within previous proto-communist and Marxist revolutions are herewith described in the words of Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008):

… the uprising went unresisted, to a man – even as those men and soldiers saw what was coming. And yet they did not respond accordingly.  Terror has that effect. By the time it’s felt, it’s too late…

Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.

–  Posobiec, Jack / Lisec, Joshua. “Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and how to crush them)”, Skyhorse Publishing, 2024, page 101

Throughout history, with rare exceptions like the twentieth-century’s Spanish Civil War, the enemies of civilization have progressed forward with little or no resistance; as those who were about to be conquered equivocated like deer staring into headlights or squirrels zig-zagging back and forth in the center of the road before the inevitably advancing tires.  Then, after all of the bloodshed, after all of the land and loot were stolen and squandered, the “unhuman” mob invariably devoured itself like a snake eating its tail. Every time.

In truth, Donald Trump can’t save the nation; and our votes may now only matter at the local and state levels in red states that have adopted specific measures to secure elections.

Notice how I am not writing in any detail regarding presidential debates, assassination attempts, or Haitians eating pets.

This is because if Trans-o-bama wins, Agenda 2030 will accelerate into a global digital panopticon via Executive Branch mandates.  And if Trump wins, the die-hard Commies and Swifties will be going Woke for Broke, Bolshevik-style.  Either way, Tea Party Patriots turned MAGA Deplorables, and non-woke Christians, will be in the crosshairs.

Whichever POTUS will best facilitate gun confiscation will win. That is next.  Will it be him or her?

On the one hand, after a sufficient amount of propagandized false flags, Kackles could utilize executive orders to take tyranny completely mainstream again, similar to the way Zombie Joe forced America to get vaccinated. On the other hand, after a Trump win, the civil breakdown could continually grow in reaction to each fascist-appearing counter-reaction’s attempt to restore order…. until, eventually, civilization’s single-molecule-thin veneer will once again evaporate like spilled gasoline on hot asphalt.

To promote the ideology of collectivism, false leaders are willing to stoop to the lowest and slimiest of Communist-Socialist tricks. One of these tricks… is to declare that all anti-Communists must be, per se, pro-Fascist.

– Posobiec & Lisec, “Unhumans”, pg  103 (quote by Verne P. Kaub, “Communist-Socialist Propaganda in American Schools”, 1958)

A full-blown WW III escalation could also provide the necessary revolutionary spark.

A financial collapse, too.

Or maybe Trump will be killed in the next attempt.

How will it go?

Certainly, the catalyst won’t matter much in the end and, honestly, I’ve grown tired of guessing.  This month marks the eighth year anniversary of my blog and it has become increasingly difficult to post on Clownworld without appearing cynical or, even, fatalistic.

Furthermore, I no longer wish to continue the Steve Inman-style play-by-play on every new plot twist in the Simulacrum, and neither do I wish to write about stuff that I consider too personal to share on the web.

Therefore, on this side of eternity, most of what remains for me to post online could be condensed into a small black pill.

Since the advent of my blog in September of 2016 until now, September of 2024, Americans have experienced two presidential elections and two mid-term elections.  The day after Trump won in 2016, I posted the first of a three-part article on Charles Dickens’ “Tale of Two Cities” amid the French Revolution.  At the end of the third article in that series titled “The Good, the Guilty and the Guillotine”, I wrote the following:

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