The official data from British Columbia shows the COVID vaccine is killing people


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

It’s important to preserve the evidence because they removed it from their website. Here’s the story.

Executive summary

One of my readers, Thomas Mckinnon, called my attention to the BC data that he screenshotted before the data was removed from the BC website.

But you have to do a few calculations on the data to figure out that the vaccines are killing people.


In this post, I will memorialize the data for everyone to see, and show you the calculations you have to make that show the harm of the COVID shots.

The data from the BC website before it was removed


and the overlapping screenshot with the rest of the data:

The takeaways here are if you measure the bars height are:

70+ vax status: 48 745 (unvax vax)
70+ died: 46 651 (unvax vax)

In other words, if you were vaccinated, it looks like you are nearly 10% less likely to die. Was I wrong about the vaccine?

Nope. There is no possible way I could be wrong about the COVID vaccines. What this data actually shows is that the vaccines made people more likely to die.

This is an illusion that fools almost everyone, including pretty much everyone in public health and most epidemiologists.

Most people never learn the magic trick. Can you figure it out?

They stopped publishing the data after that!


This is just a coincidence of course!

Do you want to know exactly how the magic trick was done?


As a special benefit to my paying subscribers, I will now explain to you exactly how the magic trick is done. I’ll also tell you the excuse they told the public about their reason for removing the public health data from public view.

Also, will also be writing a series of other articles for paying subscribers that many people will find very interesting. So you’re subscribing not just for this article but for those as well and some of these articles can save you thousands of dollars and may even save your life. It’s just $5 per month or $50/year to subscribe.

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