The Last Days are Dangerous Days – Jonathan Cahn


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Nine-time, best-selling author and renowned Bible expert Jonathan Cahn has written a new book called “The Dragon’s Prophecy.”  Cahn, who is a Christian, says many signs foretold in the Bible have happened or are happening now.  Cahn says, “It says in the Bible that the end times or ‘The Last Days’ will be evil and dangerous times.  You look at the Book of Revelation, you can see it, and all nations are going to be involved.  . . . How do you know we are in “The Last Days”?  The Bible says you will know it when Israel comes back into the world.  That’s number one.  When Israel comes to Jerusalem–number two.  That’s where Jesus is coming.  Number three: The whole world will be focused on the Middle East.  You’ve got it.  The whole world will be against Israel.  You are getting there.  There will be a great apostasy.  People will be falling away from the faith.  Well, that’s happening.  Men will be lovers of themselves.  Men will be unnatural.  You’ve got it all now.  And they will be persecuting the people of God.  We’re there!  God says he will shorten those days.  Meaning, He (Jesus) will come, and He will interrupt them.”


Unlike Cahn’s other best-selling books, evil attacked him when he was writing his latest book, and Cahn says something evil tried to stop him from writing “The Dragon’s Prophecy.”  It’s clear, evil spirits and demons are intensifying.  For proof, look no further than the recent opening and closing to the 2024 Paris Olympics.  Cahn points out, “What did that have to do with sports?  Nothing.  This had to be the most widely viewed act of blasphemy in world history.  This was all over the world . . . . they were basically focused on blaspheming Jesus. . . . This is very significant because it says in the Bible that the enemy is going to increase what he is doing.  When the Bible talks about the spirit of the anti-Christ, it is a spirit of desecration, taking Holy things and defiling them.  The Bible says there will be abomination that will spread around the world, and you had a little taste of it with the Paris Olympics.”

In Cahn’s new book, the Dragon is the enemy of Jews and Christians and is the same as the Dragon in Revelation 12.  In short, the Dragon of Satan and evil fights the Lamb of God.  Cahn says, “How do we fight the Dragon?  Look at Revelation 12.  It talks about the Dragon, but it also says they overcame the Dragon, by the Blood of the Lamb, loving not their lives to death, and they were all on fire for God.  The Bible says if we are following God with all of our heart, we are going to win.  We are on the winning side.  In the Book of Revelation, it not only talks about the Dragon, but it also talks about the Lamb.  If you have a Dragon and a Lamb, most people would put their bets on the Dragon, but the Bible says the Lamb wins. . . . the victory is as good as done.  Yes, it looks like we are the underdogs, but we will win if we keep fighting.  The end of the book is good, and the end of the book is victory.”

In closing, Cahn says Pharoah tried to destroy the Jews.  Babylon tried to crush them.  Rome tried to destroy them.  Hitler tried to destroy them.  Soviet Union tried to destroy them and the terrorists, too.  You know what?  The pharaohs are gone.  Asyria has vanished.  Babylon has fallen.  Rome has crumbled.  The Soviet Union has collapsed.  Hitler is gone.  The terrorists will be gone.  But, but, but,  the nation of Israel lives because the God of Israel lives.  Because Messiah Jesus of Israel lives, and so, if you are following the God of Israel, you are going to live.  You are going to prevail.  That’s not hype, it’s real, and it’s history. . . . Fight the fight.  It ends with your victory!!”

There is much more in the 51-minute interview.

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