The Highly Complex, Eerily Pervasive and Extremely Dangerous Conspiracy You Never Heard Of


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: People, it doesn’t get more serious than this multi-decade conspiratorial criminal plot to collapse the American Republic.  In point of fact, the following exposé represents the very backbone of the long planned and highly organized American Bolshevik Revolution.

The only reason why the American people are — right now — in such a precarious predicament is because of their extraordinary ignorance of the extreme dangers that lurk all around US.


Every single one of US ignores these highly consequential truths at our peril. Therefore, we encourage folks to post and disseminate this radioactive information anywhere and everywhere—thank you!

The extended exposé posted below is truly a MUST READ for every U.S. citizen as we all sit in the same roiling stew pot that will soon be boiling over on Election Day.

The Jewish Hasbara in All its Glory. Lies, Lies Everywhere — May 16, 2022

By  Larry Romanoff
May 16, 2022



This is the final Part 8 of a series titled ‘Propaganda and the Media’, the first 7 parts of which were published earlier, and available here: (1) The entire series will now be combined into an eBook in .pdf format, available on (in the books section).

This is primarily an article about lies, about the people who tell them, and about their methods of telling them. This essay, long as it is, is only a brief introduction to only a minor aspect of this subject.

Canada and other Western countries have what we call ‘anti-hate laws’, legislation intended to prevent the dissemination of hateful and racist accusations against another people, especially if they are likely to inspire negative or violent actions. Unfortunately, these laws, regulations, and newspaper editing appear to be applied in a less than equitable fashion, intended only to silence criticism of, and opposition to, Israel and the activities of the Jews, and never meant to apply to any other nation of people.

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