from State Of The Nation:

was produced and directed on the eve of 9/11 by the very
same treasonous perps who carried out those cataclysmic
false flag terrorist attacks against the American Republic

Submitted by The Angry Patriot
SOTN Exclusive

As totally expected, so much was wrong with the Trump-Harris debate—VERY WRONG!


First, Big Media shows US — once again — that they simply cannot conduct an honest and fair debate.

No matter what the pre-debate agreements, the corporate media just will NOT maintain a level playing field.

Linsey Davis was not only a second debater, she came to the aid of Harris whenever she possibly could.

As for the ‘unflappable’ David Muir, he did more false fact-checking against Trump than any other moderator in POTUS debate history.

“There is no way she didn’t have the questions before the debate. David Muir is a douche.” — Hammuh

Muir could have brought his polish and gravitas to the event in the service of evenhandedness and without his obvious bias.  Quite despicable!

As for Linsey, we would expect a black woman with a BIG chip on her shoulder to hate Trump because that’s just what they do … in spite of the truth that the richest limousine liberals (read: modern slaveowners) have always held the keys to their Democrat plantation.

Honestly, did these two assholes really think the viewers couldn’t see through so much on-screen perfidy and partiality?!  If they were detested before the rigged debate, they’re really despised now.

Then there were the debate questions, how they were asked, and when they were asked.

Just play back the entire debate and what emerges is a very stealthy agenda to favor Harris and stick it to Trump any way and any time the fixers could.

“More people know today that the left-leaning media has a narrative and lies to them more than ever before. This debate will be different from other ones because it’ll eventually be looked at in that context. And when people go back and watch how the moderators constantly argued the merits with Trump while leading Harris in her answers to multiple questions, this debate will be revealed for the biased farce that it was. And then — mark my words — it will do more harm than good for Kamala Harris.”

(Source: That Debate Will Backfire Horribly For Both Kamala Harris And ABC)

Let’s face it: the entire mainstream media has been infected with the worst case of Trump Derangement Syndrome for several years now … which only gets worse with each passing year.

And the more opportunities that arise for their TDS to present as the full-blown psychiatric disorder that it truly is, they all manifest their hateful symptoms with greater intensity.

This debate showed once again that these TDS folks are so woke, yet not awakened to their very serious mental illness and emotional sickness, that they don’t even care how they project it in broad daylight, during prime time and in glowing color for all of US to see.

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