The BRICS and De-Dollarization


by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

The imperial oligarchy is unwilling to give up, without a fight, the special privileges they have established, which has made them rich.  That is why there is a NATO war against Russia, and threats to China.  Those two countries are leaders of the BRICS alliance, which is committed to ending imperial looting, and replacing it with a just economic order.    This idea was presented by Lyndon LaRouche in 1975 with his proposal for a system that will allow the sovereign development of all nations, and achieve peace through actions for mutual benefits — a genuine win-win reconstruction strategy.


De-dollarization is not a hostile threat against the U.S., but an end to Malthusian demands for population reduction.  To learn more about LaRouche’s unique approach to defeating the anti-growth Malthusians, click on the links below.

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