Springfield Today, America Tomorrow


by Gregory Hood, The Unz Review:

“They are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats,” said Donald Trump in his debate with Kamala Harris. “They are eating the pets of the people that live there.” President Trump was referring to claims that Haitian in Springfield, Ohio, are eating people’s pets. The so-called fact checkers swiftly “debunked” this claim, though that does not mean much considering the nonsense they let the vice president get away with.

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Some residents have reported that pets and local wildlife are falling victim to Haitians. Corporate journalists have simply trusted denials from local politicians rather than getting the story themselves. It is not true that there is “no evidence.” There is no evidence that corporate journalists want people to know about. The work been left to posters on X and independent reporters.

Who cares what residents think? Clearly, those who run America do not. Springfield had 58,000 residents in 2020. Within just a few years, an estimated 20,000 Haitians arrived. Changes like that generally do not happen unless a nation has suffered a crushing military defeat. Less than 25 years after September 11, 2001, that’s what it feels like.

Only a conquered people could produce parents like these.

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