Springfield, Ohio is ‘Everytown, USA’ – This Same Scenario Of Illegals Taking Over Is Playing Out In Cities And Small Towns Nationwide – The Destruction Of National Sovereignty Is By Design


by Rob Pue, All News Pipeline:

Sustainable.”  “Sustainability.”  A couple of the popular new buzz words Leftists love to use as they continue to shove their “Green New Deal” down the throats of hard-working Americans, struggling harder than ever to hold on to their sanity, pay their bills, keep a roof over their heads and food on the table and shoulder an ever-increasing crushing burden of taxes.

I’m sick to death of hearing the word, because nothing the government does is “sustainable.” And our so-called “representatives” in Congress exempt themselves from every insane new rule they mandate for the rest of us.  In a recent TV ad from Amazon.com, they used the word “sustainable” or “sustainability” eight times in thirty seconds.  Give me a break.  As with everything the Communists running our government come up with, every idea or program ends up being the exact opposite of what they name it.  Consider: “The Affordable Care Act,” or “The Inflation Reduction Act.”

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Recently, the small town of Springfield, Ohio has been in the news because it’s been over-run and overwhelmed with illegals being resettled there from Haiti.  This town had a population of about 40,000 people in 2020.  Now it has 60,000.  One out of three there are now from Haiti.  As you can imagine, it’s not working out very well.

Please understand that Springfield, Ohio is “Everytown, USA.”  The spotlight might be on Springfield right now, but this same scenario is playing out in cities and small towns nationwide. Indeed, it’s worldwide and it’s by design.

We’re watching a deliberate tearing-down of the nations.  As national borders are erased, so are the nations themselves, and the kings of the earth and the rulers, with their mighty plans, are working to blend all the nations and peoples of the earth into one.  The goal is a “New World Order,” which really isn’t new at all, but rather, as old as the serpent in the Garden.  Their goal is a “One World Government,” controlled by a select few demonic “elites.”

But for this to happen, there can be no national sovereignty.  There cannot be individual nations, as God intended. This is why we’re seeing “mass migration” all over the world now.  It’s been going on for many years, but never like what we’re seeing today.  Today, millions of people are being relocated to nations they know nothing about and have no understanding of.  The result is world-wide chaos and turmoil.

Formerly Christian nations are especially being targeted for invasion by so-called “migrants” from third-world countries.  And as these migrants come, they’re bringing with them their native customs and their pagan, false gods.  Here in the US, just in the past four years, our government has welcomed and resettled more foreign invaders than the combined total population of 15 American states.

Islam has been invading our nation for decades now.  We’re talking about a system that requires everyone not following it to be killed…Christians and Jews are literally hunted.  We have 300,000 Syrian Muslims in Detroit, Michigan — more than 90% of them are still on welfare, even though they’ve been in this country for over ten years.  In Minnesota and Western Wisconsin, we have a quarter-million Muslims from Somalia.  And wherever Muslims target their “migration jihad,” — from Bloomington, Minnesota to Detroit, Michigan, to England, France, Germany or Switzerland — neighborhoods are destroyed, and lawlessness abounds.  Residents fear for their lives as violent attacks, rapes and murders rise and “no go zones” become commonplace, where even the police will not enter.

Most Americans who hear me describe this situation will immediately call me “Islamophobic.”  But the topic of Islamic terrorism in America is old news.  It’s been going on for so long now, if you’re not aware of this reality, you haven’t paid attention.  Of course, the mainstream media always covers for Islamic terrorists, just as they’re doing their best now to hide what’s happening with the mass invasion of our nation by illegals from all over the world.  And because I’m tackling the subject matter I am today, I’ll most certainly be labeled a “racist.” In America today, “racist” is the least you’ll be called if you dare express any amount of common sense.

What’s more, if you believe in “Christian Nationalism,” in other words, a sovereign nation (The United States), where the one true God of Creation is Lord, you’re automatically considered a “Nazi.”  How did we end up at a point in this nation that if you love your country and you love God, then of course, you must be a “Nazi?”

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that along with the destruction of the natural family, the indoctrination from the LGBTQP+ and the “transgender” agenda, our public schools are training as many children as possible to hate America, hate white people, hate men, the idea of national sovereignty, and the teachings of Christianity.  The plan is for the Globalist “New World Order” to first destroy all that we and our forefathers have built, and then to “build back better” in Satan’s own image, “unburdened by what has been,”as they say.

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