Speak Like A Pirate Day Does Not Even Warrant An Entry Page In The Vaunted Wikipedia, Yet Idiotic ‘Holidays’ Like Juneteenth And Cinco de Mayo Do – That Is Un-American!


by Alan Bart, All News Pipeline:

The Free Dictionary defines the term Holiday as a noun to mean a day free from work as the first meaning.  A religious feast day or a Holy day is next, and specifically for the Brits they use the term as a vacation.  A bit more formally, Merriam-Webster says that Holiday means first, Holy Day, specifically a Muzlim Holy Day.  Why the hell they chose muzlim is anybody’s guess, except that they are owned by the Encyclopedia Britannica Company and it is becoming more and more clear that the Brits are under sever distress unless they acknowledge that Islam is the official dogma of that nation now.  The imported terrorists are to be afforded every courtesy while the home brew poor old dorks are the lowest caste in the official standards anymore.  Just like here at home it appears.

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Then, being British, they say number two is a day when you do not need to go to work, a vacation and so on.  That is pretty much the standard of definitions, and the good old leftist propaganda (non-biased they tell us, of course) Wikipedia adds in the more American views that the word denotes “a day or other period of time set aside for festivals or recreation”.  They at least add that some holidays like Christmas or Easter are religious holidays that have become secularized and commercialized so they are now in the public domain.

Federal holidays in the USA are New Years, MLK day, Inauguration day, Washington’s Birthday (Presidents day to absorb the other presidents like the old Lincoln’s day), Memorial Day, Independence Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and finally Christmas.  Of course, they also have listed purely fanciful pretend holidays like Juneteenth just so the federal workers can take yet another day off work and to play into the racist ideology of the radical left that perturbs this nation so badly.

The Etymology Dictionary online breaks down the derivation and old historicity of the word nicely.  “1500s, earlier haliday (c. 1200), from Old English haligdæg “holy day, consecrated day, religious anniversary; Sabbath,” from halig “holy” (see holy) + dæg “day” (see day); in 14c. meaning both “religious festival” and “day of exemption from labor and recreation,” but pronunciation and sense diverged 16c. As an adjective mid-15c. Happy holidays is from mid-19c., in British English, with reference to summer vacation from school. As a Christmastime greeting, by 1937, American English, in Camel cigarette ads.”   They break down the terms Day and Holy further, but that is beyond the scope of this conversation.

2020 NYC Juneteenth celebrations

One site that brings to the table many other holidays whether federal, state, religious, seasonal, or just an “observance” in general is found under the title HolidaysCalendar dot com and lists far more than I care to know about  – well, all but one that is actually an International Holiday observed the world over.  What could they have possibly left off of their comprehensive listings?  Why, International Speak Like a Pirate Day of course.  Why they left that one off but include Mexican holidays such as Cinco de Mayo is not understandable to an old American like myself.  What could best be described as a local Texas holiday only, Junetheenth celebrates when “Major General Gordon Granger ordered the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas at the end of the American Civil War.”  So, a local thing in Texas affects the whole nation rather than the original Emancipation Proclamation and executive order by Abraham Lincoln on January First 1863 that has given dramatically more meaning and far more credence is yet another mystery that I cannot explain.

Speak Like a Pirate Day does not even warrant an entry page in the vaunted Wikipedia.  A celebration with worldwide impact would seem to have much better provenance than some military guy mandating the enforcement of an already mandated federal law.  It is nothing more than a cookie, a lollipop, a warm tittie for the portion of our population that hearkens back to their African originations but my question still holds – why not January First for the actual Declaration?   We already have Martin Luther King day to celebrate the life of a prominent civil rights leader that has positively affected more than just those of his own race, so why a specific one of very limited scope and only a pretentious claim of viability?  NO – that is pure bullcrap.

Another one highly lauded by the establishment is one that is totally fake and is nothing but a radical leftist license to riot created by some CSU professor to celebrate the Watts riots in Las Angeles.  The name comes from the Swahili word meaning First Fruits and supposedly incorporates several bits of African tribe’s first fruits, of harvest time ideals that follow their seven principles that actually make some sense.  Unity, Self Determination, “Collective work” (communism) but the idea of responsibility would be good, “Cooperative Economics” that basically means staying within your own races neighborhoods, Purpose, Creativity, and Faith which includes faith in the “struggle” – again a Marxist idea.  Somehow that is supposed to be good for America?  At least Kwanza is not a Federal Holiday – yet – but it is scheduled right around the time of Christmas and Hanukkah, so it is a direct communist/government attack on most Americans religious affections and affiliations.

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