SELCO: What It’s Really Like to Live in a City Under Siege


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Note: This is an excerpt from Selco’s best-selling book, The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival. To read more of this sobering reality check, you can get it in paperback here

When the SHTF, there might not be army outside shooting at you, but there might be gangs who prey on you to get your supplies. Being under siege feels like someone takes the ground away you walked on.


Nothing is like it was before. When you defend your home, you need to have a mindset change. Home is not a cozy secure place anymore. Home is the place you chose to defend yourself and loved ones. You will feel very different about the place you used as a defensive base forever.

To stay protected or to try to protect against firing and shelling required some skill, knowledge and in a lot of the times good luck.

The violence was shocking.

I can say that in the beginning, people acted very brave. But on the other side that was not courage, it was more like a lack of knowledge of how easily a man can be killed. People went out like kids with water pistols only that getting wet might be own blood or blood of friend on you.

I watched few times a man attacking another guy who is hiding behind some cover. The attacker is just running towards the guy behind cover and constantly shooting. The other guy behind cover just leans forward for a second, gets the timing right, and kills the foolish attacker.

When you have a bunch of civilians with a lot of weapons, some strange situations can occur. Remember I am talking about civilians. Most of them did not know too much about war, fighting, tactics, and everything else.

We did not have some smart philosophy of street fighting, especially not in the beginning. But as time goes by, some of the obvious things get figured out or learned if you like.

If somebody wanted to attack someone who is inside a house, the most usual way was to use RPG or hand grenades on some of the openings to shock people inside and create some shrapnel flying around.

Quite often, guys used human shields to get to the house. A lot of people got killed because they thought it was not OK to kill some poor prisoner in order to defend the house.

Imagine that three bad guys come towards you and they push two older women in front of them. Terrible situations. And after some time, most shot at everything that looked suspicious… no matter what.

Most of the fighting in the city was like shoot and hide, fight while moving. It was like fighting with shadows, they are everywhere, and each shadow can kill you. You often fight people who you do not even see good, so to walk or run lightly was the key.

Often you do not see the enemy and shoot at whatever. Sounds bad but in a lot of the situations very good thing was to shoot at anything that looks even close to suspicious, and in most of the situations, not even stop later to check.

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