SEA CHANGE IN CYBER-SPACE! The Greatest Gamechanger Just Took Place And No One Is Talking About It


from State Of The Nation:

Everything has changed—FOREVER!

SOTN Editor’s Note: What Israel has just done, as explained in the following 3 links, exposes what is perhaps the most important secret that the tyrannical technocracy did not want revealed on such a mass level. WOW!!!  WOW!!!  WOW!!!

In point of fact, the far-reaching ramifications of these 3 terrorist attacks on an entire nation have effectively changed the world—FOREVER!
How so?
No one — especially those folks who use any type of information technology, smart device, cyber communication or wireless instrument — will look at their tech in the same way again.


The fact of the matter is that every single IT device is potentially a frequency weapon … … … one that can do much more damage to the human body than what Israel has just done to residents all over Lebanon.

Turning these same IT instruments into explosive devices is actually quite easy to do as Israel has barbarically demonstrated.  Once the device has exploded, the weapon has obviously been destroyed; and no longer capable of being used as (i) a spying instrument or (ii) high-tech frequency weaponry.

Now that this genie is out of the bottle, every digitally connected individual on the planet will be compelled to relate differently to their smartphone or tablet or laptop or smart TV or security system or solar energy, etc.

Wireless technology requiring batteries, in particular, will be viewed as nothing less than a lethal cyber-weapon (the control of which is in the hands of the genocidal Zionist regime ruling Israel).  Listen for yourself to fully grasp the implications of what Netanyahu has spoken about on several occasions.

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